Chapter 1- Transportation

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Scene opens to show a black british male laying on his bed playing an online game. He is 5.7 ft tall and is slim weighing around 50kg. His name..Jay Smith.
I immerse myself into my phone seeing nothing but my screen as I keep dodging and attacking a boss, after 2 minutes it dies and I think 'piece of cake...if only life could be a game'. Haha but that was fools talk as life couldn't be a game. Jay was an average student getting below to slightly above average grades. The only things he cared about were games and anime, so he was constantly pushed around by his parents and older sibling.
I changed my position from sitting up to laying on my left side, after about 10 more minutes of gaming I stopped to charge my phone and have a short nap and I begin to get sucked into the world of dreams.
After a few minutes I feel a warm sensation all over my body   and I hear some mumbling coming from a small group of men, I rise slowly and rub my eyes taking in my new surroundings and I see that there are 3 men who are all in crimson armour and all have a sword buckled at their side. They are around 6 ft tall and have medium builds. The one who appears to be the leader says "The brat has no martial arts, special abilities or skills whatsoever so we might as well kill him now and dump his body in a ditch". As he was speaking I figured out that I was transported to another world or alternative dimension and to survive I would need to gain as much power as possible and start killing others, after all if someone tries to kill you you won't just stand there.
Jay came up with an idea and looked the leader straight in the eye and said "If you all surrender now by prostrating yourself on the ground and giving up all of your items and currency and beg for your pathetic and worthless lives I might just let you go". The lackeys mouths were open in astonishment, amazed that a brat had that much arrogance however the leader remained calm. Jay decided to annoy them even further by saying "what good, obedient puppies you all are not to draw your blades until commanded to do so by your master" as I say this I look at the lackeys with a wide grin and their expressions are that of pure rage. One of the lackeys was shaking so violently with hatred I thought he was about to spasm and foam whereas the other lackeys eyes were twitching uncontrollably. Seeing this made me break down laughing insanely and rolling on the ground for about 5 minutes and my stomach and mouth began to hurt so I forcibly stopped laughing. As I stood the leader walked in my direction, grabbed me by my vest and hoisted me 2 feet into the air with ease. Before he could make another move I drew my right fist back and upwards and brought it down into his face however only 40% of my full strength was used as I wanted to test my abilities, when my fist collided with the leaders face the sound of breaking bones echoed and he lost his footing and his head was slammed into the ground creating a small shockwave and a crater around some blood and disfigured flesh and gore which was formerly his head. 'Even his parents wouldn't recognize him now' I thought as I looked at the body, I felt no emotion after killing him. One of the lackeys drew his sword and stared at me with malice and I started to feel heavy killing intent from them. He begun to advance running at me with his sword raised...

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