Not dead yet

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(Eclipse's P.O.V.)

    NO NO NO! She cannot be dead! NOT NOW! That power was far too valuable. I didn't even take into consideration the size of the locker. And now the power we came for is slipping away from me. I will not let this happen. If I remember correctly humans would leave a white box with a red cross containing medical supplies. If I can find one in here I can temporarily patch her up and bring her to our ship for further healing. "Where is that accursed box!" It seems at times like these it's the thing you need the most that is almost impossible to find. Finally, the elusive white box is found and I return to the human girl. I quickly tear open the box and pull her shirt up slightly to expose the wound I inflicted on her right side. I grab the rolled-up bandage and wrap it around the wound. This is only temporary once I get back to the ship I will make sure she gets the medical attention she needs. I cannot allow this power to slip away from us. Not after the lengths we went to obtain it.

(Reader's P.O.V.)

    I feel strange. The moment I open my eyes I'm in an unfamiliar place. "Am I... dead?" "I would hope not. Not after all the trouble I went through." I take a look at my right side. There's some strange goo all over it. "I wouldn't touch that stuff if I were you. It's medicine keeping you from bleeding out while your body heals. I put it on you when I brought you here." "And where exactly is here." He stops whatever it was he was doing and gives me a side glance. "You're on the New Black Comet."

Lunar Eclipse (Eclipse X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now