Unknown feeling

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(Reader's P.O.V.)

    I wake up and the first thing I notice is my shirt is mostly gone. So naturally, since my bra is pretty much out in the open, I shriek. Which makes Eclipse enter with a worried expression. "H-Hey! Don't l-look!" I immediately try to cover my bra with what little shirt fabric I have left. My face is probably so red right now...

(Eclipse's P.O.V.)

    I hear the sound of the human, (Y/N)... screaming in the room nearby. I can't take my eyes off her for even a second and she's already being attacked. I rush into the room and scan the area for any threats. "H-Hey! Don't l-look!" She starts covering the upper half of her body and the redness on her face rivals the red echidna's fur. I feel my face heat up and I immediately face behind me. I had no problems seeing her like this earlier so why now? Is it because of her reaction? "H-hey... u-umm... Eclipse... s-since we're still on earth do you t-think you can get me a n-new shirt... S-sorry for asking..." I sigh. Humans are certainly strange. Getting flustered by things like this. And somehow it's contagious because I began to feel the same way about the situation. I wonder if it's because of her power? "I'll look for one here. For now, remain hidden. And try not to aggravate your wound." I couldn't make it all the way to the comet with her condition how it was. So I stopped in this large building with a sign that read 'Mall'. I'm assuming this is a place where humans can get various goods. Clothes, food, and other necessities along with unnecessary and useless items in the mix. I walk into one of these shops containing clothes. I grab a black shirt with a logo that has (F/C) coloring. I'm sure this should fit. If it doesn't I can grab another. I return to the store where I have her hidden. It's one that contains useless items geared toward young humans. I see her peering from behind one of the shelves and toss the shirt at her. "I hope that fits."

(Reader's P.O.V.)

    After tossing the shirt at me he enters another aisle. The shirt is black with a (F/C) chaos emerald logo. Putting on the shirt I realize a problem. It's a crop-top. My bra may not be showing but my stomach is still out in the open for all to see. Well, it would be if there wasn't fabric tied around it. I guess I found the rest of my shirt... "Are you finished?" "I-I guess..." "Is there a problem?" I walk out of the aisle and walk into the one Eclipse is waiting in. "Your face is still red. What's the issue now?" "Umm... well the shirt is a little short." "That's all? In that case, I'll go back and grab a different one." "N-no... It's fine. It might be better to have a shirt like this. It'll make it easier to bandage my injury." "Speaking of which, I need to check your wound again. Wait here." I sat down in the aisle as he left, I assume it was to find a med kit since he wasn't on the Black Comet. Now taking a look around the aisle I was sitting in, the shelves seemed to be lined with various kids toys. So I'm in a toy store. I guess that would be the least likely place to look for me. Eclipse really doesn't want me stolen again. He returns with a scratched-up kit and kneels down beside me. He removes the makeshift bandage and I finally get a good look at my wound. It looks bad, like really bad. He opens the kit and looks at the supplies inside almost seeming unsure of what most of them are before grabbing a rolled bandage. "Wait aren't you going to clean it?" "With what? I hardly know what any of this stuff is." I point at a small bottle of water in the kit. "Just cleaning it with water should be okay. Then use the bandage to wrap it up for now. Use that cloth and be gentle when you clean it." He takes the cloth and opens the bottle of water, pouring some on the cloth before rubbing it onto my wound. "OW! I said gentle!" "Then you do it!" "I can't!" "Then tell me how would you suggest I go about cleaning it!" "Gently dabbing the wound would be less painful than what you were doing!" He takes the cloth again and starts dabbing the wound. It still hurts but it's a lot better than what he was doing before. "Does it still hurt?" "No, not as much now." "I'm going to wrap it up. Let me know if it hurts too much." That's a bit surprising coming from him. He seems like the kind of guy who would laugh at someone else's misfortune if given the opportunity. He's also an invader from outer space, a hostile one trying to take over the planet. He shouldn't care about the inhabitants of this planet. We're just obstacles in the way of their conquest. He wrapped up my stomach with the bandage while I was deep in thought. "Umm... T-Thank you..." I must've imagined it but, as he got up and walked off, his face looked a bit red.

Lunar Eclipse (Eclipse X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now