Rescue the girl

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(Hauntel's P.O.V.)

    I have to save her. That has always been the task set on me. When I found out which human possessed that power I did everything to protect her. The day her classmates were throwing food, I protected her while she ate. I made sure no cars hit her while she crossed the street and I destroyed that infernal thing that attacks her eardrums each morning. Now one of those fiends has her in his possession and I am going to do my job. Protecting the girl. I'll wait till she's done eating though. That would be rude to interrupt.

(Reader's P.O.V.)

    I can't remember the last time I had a cheeseburger from this place. I think it was before the alien apocalypse started. Doesn't matter... Even if the burger is cold it's still good and I managed to find fries to go with it. The soda fountain machine wasn't working but I did find an open vending machine so I grabbed a warm can of (F/D). Not bad for the alien apocalypse. Although I could do without the feeling of being watched. I can just feel the eyes burning holes in my back. Then as I finished my meal someone unfamiliar bursts through the door. She appears to be an echidna with golden eyes and lavender fur. Her outfit seems tribal and she's wearing white sandals. I don't even get the chance to process what's going on because she grabs me and drags me off in a direction. Does she even know where she's going?

(Hauntel's P.O.V.)

    I now have the girl but, where should I take her? I move us into an alleyway before speaking up. "Hello there, my name is Hauntel. I have been protecting you since you were little. I hope you don't mind my abrupt rescue." "Umm... Are you like my guardian angel or something?" "Something like that." Speaking of angel that gives me an idea. I can take her to angel island. She'd be relatively safe there. "Follow me. I'm going to take you someplace safe."

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