Chapter 7

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Riki's P.O.V.

I huffed and walked away. I knew they were behind me, and if I turned around they would knock me over. I quickly ran inside my house and slammed the door shut. I couldn't think clearly. Thoughts were roaming all over the place in my mind. Suddenly the door bell rang, I raced upstairs to my bedroom and lock the door shut. "Hey Riki, your friend Tyler and Seth are here!", my brother, Kyle yelled at the top of his lungs. "Tell them to go awa--" The door burst open before I got to finish my sentence. "Plese forgive us, we never meant to hurt each other". they both said in unison. We had a long argument and I dissapointinly lost. I forgave them. 

I know I forgave them a little too easily, but I was always known as a forgiving person, so instead of just forgiving them I made them swear to something. "We swear to never fight or argue ever again unless Riki says so", They both said in unison. I was proud I made them say that. I grinned at them, making them both chuckle. "Lets go somewhere!", I shouted. I raced down the stairs and tripped on the rug at the bottom of the stairs. Damn you rug, you'll regret tripping me. Both Tyler and Seth chuckled and followed me down. We walked heading to the park. Once it came into view, I raced towards the swings. "Push me guys!", i whined. They pushed me till I was at the tip, I regretted telling them to push me. "Stop guys plea--", I screamed. Before I got to finish my sentence i fell forward and groaned in pain. "Sorry", they both said in unison. They were both holding their laughter. Suddenly, they're faces started getting red from laughing. Instead of them laughing, I laughed my head off.

Tyler's P.O.V.

"See you tomorrow Riki!", i beamed up. "See you tomorrow Seth", I glowered.

The next day was normal as ever, but Riki wasn't here. I started getting worried, at free-period I ditched class and hopped into my car and drove to Riki's place. I knocked on the door, swearing every minute passed by, knowing she wouldn't open. Then the door swung open and she stood right in front of me.

"I thought you were suppose to be at school!", She practically yelled at me. "Well now I see that your sick, i'll offer to take care of you, I replied.


"No?", I asked?

"No! My brother is taking care of me."

"Well your brother is doing a crappy job."

I pushed my way into her house and picked her up bridal style. She rested her head on my chest while I carried her. "Sorry, I look like crap right now!."

"What?!, are you serious? You look gorgeous as always"

Riki blushed different shades of red, making her look so damn adorable. I pecked her cheek and placed her on the couch. 

Riki was sleeping on my lap while i was watching some childish cartoons. Just then, Riki bolted up and ran straight to the bathroom.  She started puking, knowing how much she is to me I started comforting her. I rubbed her back and whisper soothing words in her ear. 

She was on the couch and I noticed she looked a little pale after puking. I went into her bathroom and got a glass of water. Never being inside her kitchen, I searched for where the salt was. 

After I got ahold of the salt I put a little bit of salt into the glasd of water and stirred it up.I gave her the glass and she drank it without even tasting it. 

Riki's P.O.V.

I drank the water down not noticing the taste. I decided to taste it after my last glup. "BLAH". I glared at Tyler for putting salt inside it. "Sorry", he said putting his hands up defensively. I didn't blame him for any of this. It always say that salt helps. 

Noticing that Seth was still at school and Tyler wasn't. I knew who I would choose. My choice is now clear. 

The school dance was next week and nobody asked me yet. I felt better than I had in days, I was in class trying my hardest to ignore the teacher. After the bell rang, I grabbed my things and set off to lunch. As usual, Tyler was waiting for me at the door. I never really knew how he got to my class so quickly. I stole a glance at him, then realizing he looked nervous about something. "Is something bothering you Tyler?", I murmered.

"Well I've been wanting to ask you this for a little bit.. But would you like to go to the dance with me?"

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