Chapter 12

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Riki's P.O.V.

I knew Tyler was jealous but I couldn't stand him not being here. Suddenly my "Friend" leaned in and kissed me. I was soo shocked, I slapped him across the face and pushed him out. I started sobbing and my face probably looked like shit. Tyler was beside me in a second and rubbing my back. He held out his hands and I took it, immediately I jumped onto him and sobbed onto his t-shirt. 

After my dramtic crying was over I noticed Tyler's shirt was soaked. 

"Sorry for soaking your shirt", I whispered.

"Its okay. At least your okay, and don't worry I punched him for you"

He winked and I giggled. I could never get over him. He was the best thing that life gave me. I looked over at the cold pizza laying there. Tyler noticed my stare and shooed it off. 

"don't worry about the pizza, we can microwave it after hon!"

I blushed and looked away from him. I heard the slighest chuckle coming from Tyler. 

Seth's P.O.V.

I was going clothes shopping with Kelly now. I couldn't think about clothes when my mind is alwys on Riki. I can't believe Tyler made her so happy. She should be begging me to come back into her life, but sadly she isn't. She never will be begging me to come back, cause she had Tyler. 

"--Tyler baby", Kelly yelled. "what are you thinking about?"

"Don't worry Kelly-baby, I'm thinking about how hot you look", I lied. 

She blushed and leaned up to kiss me. I hated how her lips felt, they feel so much different from Riki's. Her's is all sticky from all the lipstick adn lip-gloss she puts on it. I could even taste the bitter taste from the lip-stick and lip-gloss. 

Riki's P.O.V.

We were on the couch eating microwaved pizza. I giggled at how Tyler keeps looking at me. 

"Why are you looking at me?", I said in between giggles.

"Babe, I can't go a minute without looking at you"

I blushed different shades of red and looked away. It seems like i'm getting more shy as Tyler's compliments continue. 

"Same here hon," I said as I leaned up to kiss him. 

After our make-out scene, I was laying on top of Tyler while Tyler was playing with my hair. MY head was carefully placed on his chest. We fitted together like a puzzle. I tryed focusing on the t.v. screen but my eyes were becoming heavier and heavier till I just gave up and let the darkness take over me. 

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