(1.1) Day 1

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I heard someone call my name.
I turned to see that it was Roni. 😒😒
"NESSA! Well...uh... my friend need help to choose an outfit for a party and she asked me to help. So I'm going so is it ok if you find a ride??"
"Roni. Your friends are mine. If you got yourself a man why not tell me? Why hide it from me? Ok whatever. Who is it?"

"Look I'm soooo sorry Nessa. Well it's Alex Aiono." She said shuffling her feet.
"Damn got yourself a popular guy on the first day. I'm happy for you sis but just...don't get hurt. Many popular guys always have their little side pups." I say. "Go enjoy yourself. I'll get a ride home or walk. Love you."

"THXXXX" she screamed whilst running into the car. I felt a little hurt. She was my twin sister and she tells me everything. She has no need to hide the fact that she found a date. Whatever.

"WAIT UP!!!" I heard. It can't be Roni.
She just left.

I turned to see Grayson running up to me. He couldn't stop but did. His face was Millimetres away from my face. I could feel his warm breath on my face. I was staring at his lips. They looked so soft. I wanted to kiss them but I knew that it was wrong. I only met him because I ran into him in the morning. Else I wouldn't have even met him. After all, he was Alex Aiono's friend. Trust me first day at school, the thing everyone talks about is the popular boys/girls and their friends. The bullies and other stuff.

"Oh I'm sorry." Grayson said awkwardly.
"Um yh. It-It's Fine."I say.
"Anyway. I kinda was wondering if you wanted a ride home?" Grayson asked nervously.
"Well yh. My sis took our car. I mean that's if you don't mind?"
"I'm asking because I don't mind." He smiled. I felt chills down my back as he smiled.
"Thanks." I smiled.

I saw his head turn from me to behind. My smile faded. What am I doing? My am I upset? It's probably his girlfriend or side pup.

"YO ETHAN. BRO!" He screamed. My ears hurt and I thought
'Ethan is a guys name. Maybe his friend?' But no. I turned to see someone that shocked me. There was ANOTHER GUY THAT LOOKED LIKE GRAYSON!!!

I couldn't stop staring. He came running but stopped in front of me.

"Yo Gray who's this? Your girl" he said whilst smirking.
Grayson punched Ethan's arm.
"Owwww!!" He screamed immediately laughing.
"DUDE SHUT UP! Sorry Vanessa. This is my brother Ethan. He's older by the way."
"Yh it's ok."

"Nice name. Va-ness-a. Vanessa!" Ethan said. I smirked slightly. I looked at his face. He had the same features as Grayson. I knew Ethan had an edgy personality. He just seemed like that kind of guy.

"Are you guys twins?" I blurted out. 'Great. So stupid Vanessa'
"Yh." Grayson said. "So um could I like get your address to drop you off?"
"Yh sur-"
"Wait we're dropping her off? Don't you have a car Vanessa?" Ethan asked.

"I did but my sister took it. She found a date on her first day here..." I say
"And you?" Ethan asked.
My eyes quickly travel to Grayson,who is trying to find where I live on his GPS, then back to Ethan.
"Not yet."

"Oh Vanessa. You live in the same apartment as us. Your apartment is opposite ours."
"Oh. Wow" I say
"Shall we go then?" Grayson asks.

In the car

"So Nessa-"
"Please call me Vanessa, Ethan. I'm sorry but only people close to me can call me Nessa. Like Roni." Vanessa says. I like the attitude she has when she speaks to Ethan. I can tell that she finds Ethan annoying. But I hope that stays like that forever. I like the sass.

"Roni?" Ethan asks.
"Yh. My twin sister."
"OHHHH Twins. Gray you sure your just friends??" I hear Ethan say. I swear I wanna just smack him now.
"ETHAN!" I scream.
We got to the apartment quicker than usual. We only live like 20 minutes away. I couldn't talk much to Vanessa because her and Ethan were arguing.

We went in and got to her apartment. I stayed to say bye but Ethan had already gone inside our apartment.

"Bye Grayson." She says. I notice how quiet her voice it. So soft and delicate. She like one with duo personality. Fun, bubbly and loud one minute then quiet, sophisticated and calm the next. I liked that.

"Bye Nessa. Oh I can call you that right?" I ask. I see a smile forming as she looks down.
"Maybe..." she whispers.
"Bye." I say and walk off.
Seeing her smile is the best thing.

I think I'm falling for her...

Vanessa's POV

I think I'm falling for him...

Simple love- GraynessaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ