(4) Day 10

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1 week later...

Nessa still hasn't woken. Doctor said she went into coma and now it hurts. I'm the reason for this. None of us have gone into Nessa's room after the incident but today I really want to. If she did this then she would've had a letter. Written a letter and put it somewhere. I decided to go and look in her room.

"Roni Ethan. I'm gonna go look in Nessa's room. Can you guys stay in here?" I ask
"Yh sure" Ethan says. Roni is asleep in his lap.

I go and notice a picture. A picture of me and her. Together. I went to look at it close and notices an envelope behind it. THATS IT. THATS THE LETTER. IT HAS TO BE!!
I open it and look. I read it. It says,

Dear Grayson,

I know if this is found it has to be you. If Roni found it read no longer and give it to Grayson. Please.

Ok. Grayson. Look I don't know if I'll survive what I have just done or not let me tell you this. I love you. I TRUELY DID. You see I said did not do. Because it left the minute you left me with Alex. You don't know what Alex did after you left.


(3) Day 3

"You really want Grayson now Babygirl?" He asks
I had tears running.

I stopped. Why? Why cry over Grayson? He left me knowing what I was dealing with.

I kissed. Kissed Alex. I knew what I was doing was wrong. And I knew I'd hate myself. But I did it anyway. I kissed him so hard.

He knew that I was kissing because I was pissed at Gray but he didn't care. All he wanted was sex right? I'll give it to him...

I drag him to the room and 10 minutes later he was finished. He let me go and left. I ran out of the twins apartment and ran to mine. They didn't see me.


Yh Grayson. That's what happened. I can't live with that. I don't want to live with that. I hate myself for that but I hate you more for leaving me. I don't know why you did what You did but I know that if I die. YOUR RESPONSIBLE!

From Vanessa.

I cried. Cried my heart out. Because of me she gave herself up. I can't be without her. But I know she will never accept me. If only she knew why I did that...

I leave and we all go to the hospital to see Vanessa. I hope she wakes up. I've been in coma before. And I know that the person in coma can hear everything. So I planned to tell her everything. And I mean EVERYTHING so I don't see her cry. I don't want to see her reaction to this.


I see the doctor come out with a giant smile on his face.
"Congrats Mr Dolan and Miss Merrell Vanessa is awake!"
I see Ethan and Veronica all happy but I'm upset. How will she face the truth now. She won't even want to see me...


I see Veronica and Ethan at the door and smile. I'm so glad to see them. Deeply I was wishing that Grayson would be here but on the other hand I was really glad he wasn't here.

They come and ask question but I tell Roni I dont wanna talk about it and she says it's fine. I then see Grayson. My heart stops. On the inside im happy but else I wish he read the letter.

"Vanessa for you." I say.
"Sorry. If you don't want me to stay I'll go."
"You should never have been here in the first place..."
"No Roni. Not now..."
And he left. Grayson was gone.

Sorry for keeping to a schedule I just set but we were let off for our Christmas holiday so I never really realised the day. I thought it was the weekend. Sorry

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