(7.7) Right or Wrong?

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Third person PoV

"VANESSA!!" Sebastian shouts. The two of them immediately break apart and turn heads towards him.

Vanessa's eyes widen, as a smirk formed on Grayson's face.

"YOU DO REALISE IM STILL HERE RIGHT??" Nessa's face drowned in colour. Anyone could tell she felt guilty.

"I-I-I," she stuttered.
"You said you were over. So I took her." Grayson says, with happiness sown into his voice.
"YOU!" Sebastian said, pointing a finger at Grayson. "Have zero right to get involved. Nessa. Answer me."
You could see Nessa's voice box move as she gulped.
"I-I was stuck in a moment. Grayson's eyes, the-they just have the power to suck anyone in." She explains.
"So that makes it perfectly ok to kiss him when I'm here?"
"But you said we were over." She says emotionlessly.

That's when Sebastian's face drowned of colour.
"I said it in anger Nessa. I never meant it." He begged.
"If you never meant it, you wouldn't have left. You would've stayed even if you were angry. Sebastian I've known Grayson longer meaning I know the power his eyes have. Those were the same eyes I once fell for," she said, going off track. "The same eyes that let me suffer, yet felt pain. The same eyes I wanna go back for."
"So that's it?"
"That's it. I obviously am coming back to UCLA but after I make sure Roni is ok. I need to stay with my sister." She says.
"Uhhh so what are we?"
"Friends. I'll find a way to get back. So you can leave." Nessa says, leaving Sebastian in pain. Pain was painted on his face. Even if on a general day he was hard to read, at this moment he was an open book.

"Leave Sebastian." And with that, she grabbed Grayson's arm, dragging him into the hospital behind her. Joy, victory, happiness was visible in Grayson's eyes. He had won his love back, whether completely or not; she was back for a good few days.

Sebastian on the other hand, well he just stood there in the parking lot all alone. No one to comfort him. No one to tell him it'll be ok. No one to tell him she'll come back. He just stood there abandoned.

Sebastian's PoV

Why? What did I do wrong? Those words slipped out of my mouth without thought. I'd never leaver her like that. I may have been angry, but I never meant it. I never knew she took it seriously.

"Never trust the girls." Alex whispers in my ear.

"Yeah..." I tell myself and leave back to college.

Vanessa's PoV

I sat by Roni, with Grayson standing behind me, next to Ethan. I held her hand within mine, while she was asleep. A tear fell out of my eye. Was my choice right or wrong?
"I wanna talk to Roni." I say. Both boys exit the room.

"I really don't know what to do. I just kissed Grayson. My Ex. I ditched Sebastian over his words that he didn't mean. I just started to feel for him, and I just did something completely against that. I really, just like, don't know Roni. Shall I go to Grayson, cuz even though he messed up, it was more that a year ago; and just, that kiss made me feel complete. But when I'm with Sebastian, I feel safe. Like he's trustworthy. And I'll be with him longer than Grayson, so I can grow everything. My love for him, the trust and the fun. But if it's Grayson, I feel like if I call us something more and then leave for two years, everything I ever felt will go. It won't be smooth. I wouldn't be able to trust him being miles away. He already broke it once, I'd need to spend more than a week with him to trust him. But Sebastian, I'd be with for two years. He'd be with me for two years in front of my eyes which Grayson won't. Gray isn't going to be in front of my eyes for two years. I've known him for a long time, yet he doesn't have everything Sebastian has. Grayson doesn't have my trust. He doesn't have my heart. He just isn't Sebastian, and I feel like I've just used him." I finish. In my head I've made my choice, I want Sebastian. He might not make me feel complete, but in two years I feel like he will. Yet my heart spoke against that. It wanted Grayson. It craves him. Yet I spoke with my head. I wanted to believe my head.

"Be with who has your heart sis. I can't tell you to be with one person specifically because it isn't my life. It's yours. Choose who your heart wants, not who others want. Especially not who your head wants." She says sleepily.
Grayson. Grayson. Grayson. My heart beats.
"Then it's not Grayson who my heart wants. My heart beats for Sebastian." I say disagreeing with my heart.

Grayson's PoV

A nurse walks past us to Roni's room.
"Excuse me. Is anything wrong with Roni?" Ethan asks worried.
"Nothing is wrong. If anyone is in there, I need to inform them that visiting hours are over." She replies.
"Oh her sister is in there talking to her about something important. If it's ok, can I go in and say?" I ask.
"If you will. Then sure." I nod and she walks away.
"Gray, if she's talking about something important I'm sure she'd rather have the nurse interrupt her then you. She'd rather have the nurse, someone who knows nothing of what they're talking about, hear a part of the conversation; then you hear it."
"Shut up Ethan. My girl will be so pleased to see me." I say with a huge grin painted across my face.

I walk over to the room and push the door open slightly. It's not going to hurt me to listen to a snippet of the conversation will it?

"Be with who has your heart sis. I can't tell you to be with one person specifically because it isn't my life. It's yours. Choose who your heart wants, not who others want. Especially not who your head wants."
"Then it's not Grayson who my heart wants. My heart beats for Sebastian."

My heart shattered that instant. She didn't kiss me with love. She kissed me to prove a point to Sebastian. She wanted to prove she didn't need her. She used me...

I wipe the tears I didn't know existed and entered the room.
"Nurse said visiting times are over Nessa."
"You ok? You voice seems off. You look off." She responds whilst getting up.
"I'm fine. Just come on."
Nessa hugs Roni a bye and leaves with me.

My eyes catch Ethans and immediately the false smile I had falls.
'What happened?' Ethan mouths.
'She used me...'
Ethans face drops. His eyes widen as his mouth moves apart. I nod and grab Nessa's, pulling her outside with me.

"Grayson," She says, "let go. What're you doing?"
I push her against the wall outside.
"DON'T GRAY ME!!!" She whimpers at my tone. My heart aches at the sight.
"Why? I thought we were something more?"
"Oh really. Something more??"

A mixture of guilt and confusion covers her face.
"I-I well yea. We are something more. No?"
"Be honest to me and stop acting. You used me, didn't you??"

Dun dun DUNNNNN!!
Omg what's Nessa gonna respond with. Also also also... guys...
So I have a private one (which I won't share) one that supports the Dolans... AND NOW ONE WHERE I WRITE FAN FICTION AND IMAGINES 🙌🙌

I know it may not be a big deal, but by having it this way, I can write fanfic about the Dolan Twins on a platform EVERYONE CAN SEE. Writing on wattpad means wattpad users can only view, but by posting them on Instagram, everyone can see them (unless you don't have Instagram)

So what can you find on this new account you ask (hopefully)?
Well, you can find updates about simple love on that. Updates on other stories I write on this, on that. Snippets of new chapters. Sneak peeks of new books. And obviously, imagines and fan fiction. The ones of there WON'T be found on wattpad. I won't put any of them on here. And anyone of my wattpad stories on there.

So why wait? Go follow

Private Instagram : YOU REALLY THOUGHT I WAS GONNA GIVE IT?? Probably didn't but still, YOU WERE WRONG.

Main Instagram account : forever_always_dolan

Fanfic Instagram account : _dolan_fanfic_

Twitter : Ethan_Grayson17

And that's it. YAY!!

Simple love- GraynessaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz