(7.2) Accident

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Sebastian's PoV

I was following Micky as we ran to Nessa. He told me that she passed out in the middle of class and isn't waking up.

Omg is she breathing! I think.

"NESSA!! NESSA!! WAKE UP!!" I cry. She was breathing good. I lifted her bridal style to my car and drove her to the hospital.

"HELP PLEASE!" I shout at the nurse at reception.
"What's the problem sir?" She says running to me with a stretcher.
"She-she passed out in the middle of class and isn't getting up." I cry.
"Ok sir we'll take her in. Fill in her details in the front desk." She says and takes Nessa away.

I go and fill her in at the main desk.

"What room is she in?"
"Floor 3 room 26."
"I need to go check on Nessa. Thank you."

I run to Nessa's room.

Then a doctor leaves her room. I run up and ask,
"Is she ok?"
"Yes she's ok. You can go check on her." He says.
"Thank you." I say and go to her room.

"Nessa..." I say. She was laying there so weak. So sad.

"Roni...Roni...Roni..." she mumbled. "Don't leave me behind...stay with me..."


"She's ok Nessa. Nothings wrong. Don't worry." I hear.
I open my eyes to see Sebas.
"Sebby...Roni...she was in an accident. My twin. My sister. She's fighting for her life. I need to go to her Sebby . Take me there. Please..." I ask.

"I'll need to ask the doctor bout taking you out." He says.
"Sebas please..." I beg.

He walk out the room and five minutes later he comes in.

"He said I can take you. Let's go babe." He said making me blush. "You look cute when you blush." He whispers.

"Shut up and take me to my sister" I say.

*2 hours later*

We finally reached the hospital and the one thing going through my brain was Roni. I was starting to feel faint at the thought of anything happening to her.

Oh if you were wondering how I knew what hospital I called Ethan and he told me. His voice sounded croaky from all his tears.

"Excuse me what room is Veronica Merrell in?" Sebas asked.
"Who are you to her?" The lady at the front desk asked.
"I'm her twin sister and this is my boyfriend." I answer wiping my tears that I didn't even know where flowing.
"Ok. Floor 2 room 508." She said.

"How serious is she?" I ask. My tears threatening to fall out.
"That miss you need to ask the doctor. I'm sorry."
"Thank you" I say and run to Roni. My hand on the chocker we both own.

"Nessa calm down!" Sebas says running to me. He grabs my wrist and takes me to Roni's room.

"Oh by the way you told the nurse I was your boyfriend. Is that a yes?" He asks.

"You're so stupid." I mutter.

We turn the corner and I see Ethan and Grayson.

"ETHAN!" I call. I run into his arms and give him a tight hug. I've only been away for two days but I already feels like two years.

"Nessa...Roni..." he sobs.

"Ssssshhh.." I say rubbing his back. It just makes me cry even more.

I pull away and hug Grayson...

His hug was so welcoming. So comforting.

"Um..." Sebby says.

I step out of the hug and sense that these two won't get along.

"How's Roni?" I ask Gray, my eyes on Ethan. I can't ask Ethan. He looks so broken. He must've loved Roni so much.

"She...well...we don't know yet. The doctor hasn't come out and it's been hours." He says. "Oh and who's this?"

"Well he's Sebastian-"
"I'm her boyfriend." He snapped back.

I looked at Grayson and he looked hurt. "Wow got yourself a boy within the first two days of college." He said rolling his eyes.

Before I could respond the doctor came out.

"Who are you guys to Veronica?" He asked.

"Boyfriend." Ethan says.
"Best friend." Grayson says.
"Twin sister." I say.

"Twin sister?" He asks.
"What's your blood type?"
"AB+" I say.
"Great. Well your sister needs blood." He says.
"She's AB+ as-well. I'll give her some of mine." I say.

"Are you ok? Any illnesses? Have you had an accident before this? Like even a simple pass out because you will feel really drained. We need quiet a bit of blood." He says.

I'll do anything for Roni...

"I'm completely fine." I say. I feel Sebas glaring at me.

"Alright follow me." He says and I follow. Sebby was following behind as well.

"Nessa have you lost your mind?! Your still recovering from passing out two hours ago you can't do this!" He whispers yells.

"I will for my sister." I say and walk away.

Ethans PoV

She's not gonna forgive me. I'm the reason for her state. Nessa wont forgive me. Roni's gonna hate me. She's gonna hate me. I hate myself. Why?!?! Why?!?! Why did I do that?!?!


What happened to cause this? What did Ethan do?!

Also I know I said I wouldn't publish this unless I get the previous chapter to 50+ views but it's been a month with no progress. So like whatever.

Next chapter 5 votes

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