(7.9) The end?!?

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The one who I thought loved me didn't. What's the point of life??

Vanessa's PoV

It had been two hours since Grayson left. Two hours of me crying. Two hours of me feeling guilty. Two hours of calling Grayson continuously.
"HES NOT PICKING UP! I SWEAR VANESSA IF HE DID SOMETHING TO HIMSELF, I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU. I WILL FOGET YOU AND YOUR SISTER EVER EXISTED. Nessa you don't realise how much Grayson means to me.  He's my only best friend at times. I need him Nessa. And if he does anything because of your stupid ass decisions. Then I won't hesitate to remove your sister out of my life." Ethan sobs outside of Roni's ward.
I get up and leave. Seeing the pain I've caused everyone, makes me doubt my life.

I've caused nothing but pain to everyone. What's the point of life??

I grab an Uber and leave to the nearest beach. Once I got out, I stared walking. As far as I could, until I reached the woods. Memories of the woods flooded my brain.

"Grayson! I am not going in there! What if you kill me?!" I whined.
"I'm a friend. Not a serial killer. After all, Ethan and Veronica are in there. If I were to kill you, I wouldn't bring those two with me now, would I?" He asks. We both burst into laughter.
"Grayson!! It's really god damn dark here. You sure we're not lost?" I ask, fear visible in my voice.
"Listen. If we are lost, we can stay the night and leave in the morning. There's a cliff nearby. We can go there." Gray says, dragging me behind him to what I assumed was the cliff.
"You sure we won't fall off it in the dark?"
"If we die, we die together."
"Cute." I respond. I'm really starting to like this guy.

As we reached the cliff, a bunch of fairy lights were connected to the trees. There was already blankets, pillows, a mini tent set up.
"Planned huh?" I ask in awe.
"Promised you a first date, remember?"
"You never. Stop lying."
"Stop ruining the fun. Let's pretend I did." He grabs my arm and we lay down on the blankets together, staring at the stars.
"I wanna be cliché. That star," Grayson says pointing at a star. "Is our star. When I'm gone. Speak to it, it'll tell me everything. I'll do the same when you're gone too." He says and kisses my forehead. We eventually end up asleep in each other's arms.

"I remember waking up sick. I remember them going out for food. I remember Alex coming. If I only I had walked off this cliff that night, none of this would've happened." I say to myself as I near the end of the cliff. I notice a well known masculine figure standing where I wished to stand.

"Grayson?" My fragile voice called. "Grayson tell me that's you? Please. I beg. Let me honest with you. Yes. I am a fucking idiot. I didn't believe in my heart. Roni told me to believe in my heart and not my head but I didn't do that. Grayson I worried. I worried that if I trusted my heart, and spoke the truth then leave, everything we had would go. Grayson I feel like complete shit. These past two hours were enough to make me realise what I wanted. I couldn't even stay two hours without you Grayson. Please. Tell me how I can stay two years? I fucking can't. Grayson I'm sorry for playing with your feelings. But now I wanna speak with my heart not my head. Believe me or not. Accept me, reject me your choice. But I want you. Grayson Dolan I want you to be in my life. I never realised how much you meant to me until I left to college. I want to be back in your life. I wanna be truthful to what you said. I wanna be something more that friends Grayson please. I beg. I beg you. Can I be?" I sob.

He turns around. His eyes fiery red. I turn my head. Guilt took over. I couldn't even look him straight in the eyes. Seeing him in pain killed me. Especially knowing it was my fault.
"So you don't want Sebastian?" He croaked. I shook my head. "How do I believe you? How do I know you speak truth? You've already shattered my once. I don't wanna play games twice."

"You broke my heart harder than this Grayson. You've done it before. Yet I still came back? No? I'm still here for you Grayson? Am I not? If I'm still coming back after you did such a horrific thing to me, why can't you come back after I did that to you Gray?" I ask.
"Well, I-"
"Can I come back into your life Grayson? As more than just a friend? Yes or no?"


I'm sorry to break it to you. But next chapter is the very last chapter of this book. I could drag it on further if I wanted to, but I have no story left. I don't wanna split graynessa again and again. This is the finale. Will graynessa get together? Or split forever?

And omg I'm so sorry for not updating. I had it prepared once I had finished the previous chapter, but I forgot About it. Sorry.

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