Chapter 2 Come Back

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I realized what I have done and hoped that she didn't wake up. But of course she did. She moaned terrified and sat up in her bed. Her eyes scanned her old room. It was dark but enough light shone into it to see me and the objects in it. All of this happened so slow and seemed so unrealistic.

'What have you done?' she started with a weird voice. It was darker and raw. Obviously, it was 3am and she had been ripped out of her sleep.

'I guess I took the wrong door.' I tried to explain but sounded extremely drunk. She gazed at me for some time before beginning to talk again.

'How much did you drink again?' She snapped and sighed.

'Not too much.' I replied rolling my eyes. She annoyed me a lot this moment. I was so tired and wanted to go to bed as soon as possible.

'Don't lie to me. And why did you even drink? Where you depresed again?' She asked careless. Sometimes she was violating. I sniffled before talking to her.

'No I wasn't and why would you even care you-'

'What time is it anyways?' She asked interrupting me. I thought whether I should tell her or not. But she was pissed now anyways so I looked at the clock to check the time. 'It's 3.10am.' I answered wondering how fast the time went.

'Oh lord... Why do you come home at such a time?'

'I am not 16. I can come home whenever I want to. Anyways, I wanna sleep now.' I responded and stood up from the bed. My circulation needed some time to realize that I wasn't sitting anymore. I hold my arms stretched away from myself. Then I turned around and was about to go out. But of course my mum had to react.

'Don't you dare to go away now. We haven't finished yet.'

'Why shouldn't I? I totally think we have finished.' I replied still going to the door.

'Well then leave my eyes Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson.'

I heard her laying down in her bed again and walked out of the room, finally. I turned the lights on and scanned the little bedroom. It still looked like how I left it when I moved to Los Angels. The books, the bed, the shelves. It all seemed so familiar. After putting of my dress and putting on my pajamas I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I couldn't sleep at all because the bad certain made me stay awake and judging myself for everything. I needed some good memories so I stood up again and went over to my shelf with a few books on it. I looked for the photos of my friends and me. The white envelope hide under them. I got it out and opened it carefully. I had to smile when I saw the first picture of Kesha and me. I remembered the exact moment when we shot it.


It was late morning when I woke up. I slept well but felt the alcohol in my body. The hangover wasn't that bad. I was lucky this time.

Still in my pajamas I walked downstairs in the kitchen. My mum was nowhere to be seen. I thought she went for a walk or something like that.

Without any worries I made myself a muesli and turned on the TV in the living room. While watching TV and eating my breakfast I got more worried about my mum. She hasn't left a letter. Actually when she leaves for more than an hour she leaves a letter saying where she is found.

After making myself ready to go back to Los Angeles I looked for my mum in my house. It was really harassing that she didn't answer when I called. There was no noise inside the house. Only the phone of her rang when I called.

Before giving up searching I went in her bedroom and saw her laying in her bed. I tip tied over to her and touched her hand. It was cold, too cold. Even her cheeks were lightly violet. I began panicking and the fear came up. I hated being afraid but she didn't react when I touched her. I shook her shoulders, and felt her pulse. But there was nothing. Again I put two fingers on her wrist to check that I felt on the right point. But there was nothing. Tears started rolling down my cheeks.

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