Chapter 14 Nothing left

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The next morning I woke up at the other end of my bed. At first I was confused where I was and thought someone kidnapped me but then I realized that I just slept weird. After rubbing my eyes and yawning like a hippo I rolled out of my bed right into the bathroom.

Before I walked in I heard Katy and Shannon discussing in a harsh tone. I thought whether I should listen to their conversation or washing my still sleepy eyes. At the end I walked into the bathroom first and splashed some water in my face.

Some seconds later I went back to the floor. Katy and Shannon still discussed something that I didn't really understood until I heard the word 'school'. I shivered in disgustment. I think I would like school if there weren't any people that talk about 'the cancer girl'.

After staying on the same point for at least five minutes I finally moved my butt into Katy's room with a big fake smile on my face.

'What are you guys diussing about?' I said and pretended like I didn't hear anything. They looked at me with big eyes when I walked in and stopped talking to each other. Katy smiled confused and Shannon began laughing then.

'What's wrong?' Katy asked and looked to Shannon that still laughed like crazy.

'Nothing.' She giggled and wiped some tears away. I looked at them both with a distraught smile. Katy then walked up to me and stroke my cheek. She looked down to me and smiled.

'You have to go to school soon.' She raised her left eyebrow.

'Oh no...' I whispered and glanced at her. 'I dont wanna go they will bully me.'

'Honey they can't bully such a beautiful girl like you.' Katy cooed and Shannon nodded muted. I totally hated it when people call me beautiful because I knew they were lying. 'You can be homeschooled but I think some social company wouldn't be that bad.' Katy added and put away a string of her shoulder long blonde hair. It shimmered in the upcoming sun. I sighed with a black look. My already bad mood got worst.

'Katy I think you are the only one that says I am beautiful.' I mumbled and avoided her look. She put her hand on my shoulder and looked at Shannon. She seemed hurt and lost.

'Oh sweetie I am not the only one look-' She began and my inner bitch came out of me.

'Please stop!' I sobbed, 'I am pale I am skinny I dont have any hair... Don't. Call. Me. Beautiful!' I shouted with tears in my eyes. Katy seemed so despaired and sad and I regretted my words.

Katy walked out of the room right into the bathroom. Shannon who still didn't know what to say walked up to me and gave me a hug. We heard Katy rummaging in some shelves and looked at each other with confused expressions until we heard the sound of an electric razor. My eyes widened.

'Katy stop! Stop it!' I shouted.I wanted to run into the bathroom but Shannon hold my arm as tight as she could. "Shannon let go of me!" I screamed and struggled to get out of her grab. I frowned at her but she didnt seem to care. Then the razor sound stopped and we heard the door banging.

What we saw next made our jaws drop. Katy entered the room with a bright smile and a shaved head. I rubbed my eyes to look if I was still sleeping but I didn't.

'You did not...' Shannon mumbled as she regarded Katy's shaved head. I think she didn't know whether she should pretend to like it or not.

Katy's POV

'I am pale, I am skinny, I dont have any hair... Don't. Call. Me. Beautiful!' Grace shouted while tears started rolling down her pale cheek. The words hurt a lot. My own daughter calls herself ugly. Especially the hair 'argument' made me angry and sad together. I hated to see her like this. So I made a decision. Before I turned around, I looked back at Shannon. She tried to calm down Grace who was sitting on the floor now.

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