Chapter 16 Family

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'Are you ok?' Katy whispered leaning over to me on dinner's table. I picked around in my food so unmotivated to eat or do anything in general. I just wanted to sleep and let my mind get a break. I met so many people in those last two days. So many more than in my whole life.

'Yeah, I am just not hungry.' I answered quietly. Angela began talking to me then. We only talked a few words but she seemed sympathetic. Me and Katy also didn't show our bare heads yet and I think we both were totally fine with it. Only Mary knew about it but we dared her to shut her mouth.

'So and you both stand each other? 'Cause Katy isn't an easy person at all as we all know.' Angela grinned looking over to Katy who froned at her and put one arm around me.

'We are like best friends aren't we?' Katy answered cheeky and looked down to me. She seemed to expect an answer. But I didn't give one. 'Grace?'

'Huh?' I sighed looking up from my salad. 'Oh yeah we loooove each other.' I said a bit exaggerated. All of Katy's -and my- family members giggled.

'You are and look a lot like Katy. Just the hair color is different...' David pointed out. I put my right hand on my wig and looked over to Katy who responded my smile.

'Can you guys speak through your eyes? That's kinda funny to look.' Katy's dad grinned examining me. I met him just after church and he was really accepting I wouldn't have thought of it since Katy was so nervous to introduce me to him.

'That's just our bound.' Katy said shrugging her shoulders. Then she kept on eating and the dining room fell silent.

'Excuse me.' I mumbled and stood up.

'Where you going?' Katy asked distraught. Her eyebrows crunched together.

'Hum I wanted to go to the bathroom.' I explained walking over to the bathroom.

Just when I wanted to go back to the dining room I heard Angela talking to my cousin Stella. I was curious so I hid behind the door and listened to their words.

'Mommy who's that girl?' I heard her childish voice asking her mum. Angela didn't answer instead of her Katy did and tried to explain that I am a part of the family now. A light smile flashed across my face. Then I entered the room again. I sat down and smiled. I only waited a few minutes until everyone ate Mary's dinner. I helped her cleaning up the dishes then.

Of course she had to ask whether I didn't like the meal or why I didn't ate anything. I just answered that I wasn't hungry and hoped she wouldn't become suspicious.

'Grace?' I heard a little child's voice coming from behind. I turned around and saw Stella standing shyly on the doorway. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail now, she looked really cute.

'Yeah what's it?' I asked benting down to her. She looked in my eyes and put the hair away from face. The hair that's been in my face since I wore the wig so I could hide my face.

'Can we play a game?' She began. 'It's so boring with the adults they always lose.' She added whispering and smiling cheeky. One of her front teeth was missing. I remembered when my first tooth fell out years ago.

'Of course we can. Do you have an idea of what we could play?'

'I love to play hide and seek.' She replied. I nodded and looked around in the kitchen since I didn't finish helping Mary with the dishes yet but she was with the adults already. 'You have to count.' She yelled already looking for a good place to hide. I laughed and turned around to the wall so I could count there.

'One, Two, Three...' I began counting loudly. Four, five, six, seven. I thought.
As I reached the number 20 I opened my eyes and turned around. I thought she would be hiding somewhere where I could find her easy but I was totally wrong. That little girl was so smart and it took a while before I found her. Katy already laid on the floor laughing that I didn't find my five-year-old cousin. At the end she always sat with the adults and I didn't realize it.

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