Chapter 9 Ups and Downs

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Two days later was my last day in the hospital. I was able to go home again. I think everybody is happy when they can go home again. I wasn't. I wanted to stay here with Grace. I thought about staying in a hotel but I wasn't sure yet.

So that day was my last investigation. Before that I saw Grace. She had been put to a normal room this morning. I knew that I had to tell her today that I am her mum. I was afraid of her reaction. Would she hate me? Whatever, I walked over to her room and knocked on her white painted door.

'Yaaaass.' I heard her yelling happily.

'Hi. Nice to see you that happy.' I said

'Hi Katy!' She said and looked up from her book.

'What are you reading there?' I asked.

'Hum...Something about chronic Illnesses.'

'You like reading that?'

'Yeah it's really intresting, I think.'

'Well then...How are you?'

'Fantastic. I'll get out of here soon!'

'I am so happy for you.'

'Yeah thanks and today is your last day here, right?'


'I'll miss you.'

'Yeah me too. But let's enjoy the last hours together.'


'So you are fine right?' Grace asked. Again I felt a pain in my stomach. It was worst than before. 'Katy? Should I call someone?'

'Hum, no everything is ok.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yeah I am.' I said. I didn't really care about it and tried to smile. Anyways there was that thing to tell her that I am her mum. I had to do it. If I want it or not. I struggled with that thought and didn't know how to say it. I wanted to tell her as soon as possible. And I thought that this was the right moment.

'Katy what's wrong with you?'

'Hum nothing...but...Grace?'


'There is like hum...something that I have to tell you.'

'Yeah I know that you have to go. I am not angry I mean you are not related to me.'

' know that's the problem.'

'Just say it.'

'Well...You know, you are adopted.'

'Yes I am...but why do you ask then?'

'You know your mum is-'

'Oh my god you know something about her?'

'Yeah actually she is right over here.'

'Where? Outside? I think I don't wanna see her. She hasn't been here when I needed her.'

'Hum Grace I think I am your mum.'

'You are kidding right? Please Katy I have better things to do.'

'Sorry but I am not.'

'What the fuck is wrong? You are just kidding and that's a dream right?' She said with tears in her eyes. I looked into her eyes that were full of sadness.


'Katy please leave!' She shouted.


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