Chapter 6 Meet and Greet!

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After the nurse tested my blood I waited in the waiters room. Again. I got a coffee for me while I waited. This room was full of kids and adults wich waited too. The parents where on their phones while the kids played with LEGO or read a book.

Those minutes felt like ages. I was just so ecxited to maybe help my daughter. Lost in my thoughts I finally heard someone call my name.

I lifted my head and saw a nurse besides the door. She nodded when I looked at her so I stood up and grabbed my bag.

She took me to a white room with two chairs a laptop and a desk.

'Hello Miss Hudson!' A doctor greeted me friendly. 'I am Dr. Starr.'

'Hello Dr Starr,' I said. 'I'm Miss Hudson But please just call me Katy.'

He nodded and looked at his clipboard.'So our sample revealed that you and Grace have the same blood.'

I was facilated when he said that. I am going to save my daughters life!

'Means I can give her one of my  kidneys?' I asked.

'Yes. But you have to sign those papers first and then we'll tell you how this whole thing happens. Here is a pen for you.' He told me and gave me a pen.

'Thank you.' I said and smiled.

I red those papers where I actually didn't understand anything but yeah, I understood enough.

Then I gave him the sheets of paper and the pen back and he began talking again.

'So now you have to answer some questions. They are important for us so please answer truly!'


'Do you have an innated illness?'

'No I don't.' I answered. He wrote something on his clippboard.

'Do you have or had alcohol problems?'
I waited a bit with my answer. I had alcohol problems. But that was years ago.

'I had.' I finally said.

'Alright.' Again he wrote on his clippboard.

A bunch of questions later a nurse brought me to my room. I had the last room on the last floor. It was a single room.

I put my stuff into the closet and sat down on my bed.

'And my child is here 24/7' I thought. I was like 5 minutes in that room and got sick of this even now.

The whole time I played with the thought to tell my mum that I donate my kidney but she would say that I shouldn't do that anyway.

I took my phone and wrote Shannon an SMS. I asked her to take Nugget for some weeks more because she had her while I was touring and I would be here for sometime.

So I took my phone out.When I opened the chat I saw that she asked where I am I just answered San Bernardio and switched it off then.

The doctor told me to wait here while he is checking everything for the transplantation.

I was so nervous. The whole time I thought about Grace and what would happen if somethimg goes wrong?

Then someone knocked on my door.
'Come in.' I shouted and a nurse that I have  never seen before came in.

'Miss Hudson can you come with me?' she asked friendly.

'Sure but please just call me Katy.'

'Alright Katy.' She smiled and took me to the same room as before.

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