Chapter 17 New start

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'Are you ready?' Katy asked me the third time now. I rolled my eyes and put my hand on her shoulder. I looked deep in her concerned eyes. She sighed and put a string of my blonde wig behind my ear and stroke my cheek then.

'I am ready.' I answered and smiled. I was really excited to go to school even though I didn't want to go there at first. After a long speech by Katy and some thinking I saw the advantages of going there. 'I think I have to go now.' I added and looked at the big building. Some last students went in but they ignored us since they were listening to music or looking down to their phone.

Katy went in for a last hug and stroke my fake hair. 'Don't let anyone stand in your way ok?' She whispered. I looked up again and nodded. Then I swallowed an amount of saliva and took a deep breath. I said goodbye and waved before turning around and walking straight into the building. I stepped in insecure  not knowing what to do or where to go. So I crossed my arms in front of my chest and tried to hide my face behind the hair.
It looked like how I remember my elementary school. Just lockers where on the walls instead of children paintings. After stepping from one foot of the other some older kids began staring at me.

'Do you need help? I've never seen you here before.' A younger girl asked. She examined me with her brown eyes and put her head to her side crossing her arms in front of her chest just like I did.

'Yeah, this is my first day here.' I mumbled in a shaky voice. The girl put her arms next to her body then and bent down to her school bag.

'Oh alright, I am Jane by the way. Look your class room is straight over there.' She explained pointing to her left. I wondered why she knew in which class I was. But before I had the chance to ask she began talking again. 'I think you are Grace right? Our teacher already told us that we'll get a new student.'

'Oh ok. Yeah I am Grace.' I replied looking up from my feet. She stood up from her school bag and looked at me again. She stemmed confused and smiled distraught. 'Is something wrong?' I asked unconfident.

'No, no sorry for gazing. You just look a lot like someone.' She laughed and went in the direction she told me just a while ago. I stayed in the middle of the floor kinda lost then. Jane turned around once again and smiled. 'Don't you wanna come with me?' She demanded. I nodded and followed her. 'Why did you actually change school?' She asked curious.

'Hum,' I started thinking about my answer since I didn't want to tell the real story yet. 'We just moved to Los Angeles.' I finally lyed.

'Nice.' She replied and stopped in front of a white painted door. 'Here we are. I think you can just come in and sit down.' She began. 'This grade is actually really accepting and funny. So, I hope you'll feel comfortable.'

I replied with a simple yes and Jane opened the door. She was greeted by a group of people and hugged each of them telling how good they look today. I just smiled standing next to the door and let the eyes of 23 class members scan me.

Some moments later the school bell rang and a young woman entered the room. She was really tall with blonde hair hanging lush from her head. She smiled when she saw me and walked over to me while all the students began groaning and walking to their seats. 

'Hey you're Grace I guess.' She greeted  me. 'I am Mrs Tompson, your class teacher. Would you like to tell the class about you?' She asked and let her view pass the unmotivated people.

'Alright.' I answered after a long pause. Mrs Tompson made her way to her desk and put her stuff out of the bag. I went to the middle of the classroom and folded my hands.

'As you guys can see we have a new student.' The teacher started. 'Please be fine because she wasn't in a school for a while.' Some girls whispered things to each other and giggled then. My self confidence seemed to be scratched against the white board behind me and my hands began shaking. 'Are you ready?' The teacher asked talking to me again. I nodded and looked into 24 faces. I searched for Jane's since I already knew her a little.

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