Chapter 4 The Goddamn truth

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I looked at him expectantly. It hurt to look at him. He wasn't always like that. There was a time when I was his little princess when he didn't make out with other women except my mom. When I wasn't sick and when my mom wasn't sick. It changed when she died from cancer. He couldn't get over it. I did respect it but especially when she died and I just got cancer he should be there for me. He should be the one telling me it's ok and not some kind of nurse.

'Can you guys leave the room?' He asked impolite. This ripped me out of my thoughts and I looked at him again. I looked over to the doctor and Liz who left the room. I didn't really see or hear whether they nodded or said yes but they did leave. My dad lent on the bed standing in the middle of the room and chewed his chewing gum exaggerated.

'You wanted to tell me something right? So please just start cause I dont have time.' I snapped cold. His eyes met mine. There was something I haven't seen in a while. It was his tears.

'Yeah sorry.' He apologized. 'So there is a problem and I think now is a good moment to tell you.' I expected he wanted to tell me something about his love life or something like that and I already sighed but as he continued I loved it he had told me about Cindy and him.

'I know there isn't one problem there are a few Luke.' I said his name. 'I may day if I dont get a kidney.' I added pissed. 'What about you. Why couldn't you give me yours I mean you are related to me.'

'That's the problem sweetie.' He said. I hated it when he called me sweetie. But I hated even more that he didn't care again.

'Aha.' I mumbled looking out the window.

'I am not your father.' He broke the upcoming silence.

'You are kidding.' I said sarcastically. 'You just want to build up your perfect life with your slut when I am gone.'

'Its not what you think!' He tried to explain. I didn't let him. I felt anger coming up and I really wanted to stand up and slap him.

'Oh really?'

'Yeah, please let me explain.' He tried to sound nice but actually he didn't. I couldn't talk to him knowing that everything I believed in the last years was a liar. My life was a liar. So I nodded harshly hoping this was just one of those horrible dreams that seem like it last forever. 'So Grace, you have to know that your-' He paused not knowing which word to say. Even my mom wasn't my mom. It seemed so unrealistic. Like I would just wake up again and everything would be just like before. 'mom hadn't got cancer only once. It was already the second time when she died from it.' He ended the sentence and swallowed some saliva that massed in his mouth. 'The chemo made her infertile. But the only thing she always wanted was a child. Someone she could raise up and you know we had luck. We went to an orphanage where only children from one to three were and you were just given up there. It was clearly for both of us that you were our child soon.' He finally finished his long speech of why I shouldn't be his child. I couldn't believe all of this. I was like muted.

'Actually I dont know what to say.' I cooked out. My dad looked at me out of all reason.

'Why?' He asked like a kindergarten child.

'Did someone just tell you that the persons you thought of are your parents aren't anything to you? No, so please let me think about it. Shut up' I blurted out pissed about his reaction.

'Don't you dare talking to me like that, I am still your frosted dad.' He pointed out. I became even more pissed.

'You are not my dad and you never were.' I shouted with tears in my eyes. He frowned at me. O just looked away and heard the door open. When I looked up again my dad was gone. The doctor walked in again with Liz by her side and looked at me compassionately. Liz walked over to my left and put her hand on my shoulder.

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