Chapter 3 Grace

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'I can see her, right?' I asked cautiously. He sighed and looked at his clock. Then he looked into the light with his typical doctor glasses.

'You are her daughter right?' I nodded harshly. 'She is on intensive care just to for the worst case. Tomorrow she will be put in a normal room we guess. So...' he paused again. 'yes you can visit her but she needs her rest.'

'Thank you so much.' I replied and turned around to pick up my jacket. I hoped that my phone was in there, but it wasn't. 'By the way... does my family know what happened?' I hoped that they were informed since I couldn't call them. The doctor looked over the edge of his glasses. He faced me and shook his head.

'No we didn't but we can inform them if you want us to.' He told me in a hurry. He seemed to have an appointment.

'That would be nice!' I replied looking around in the room. Nobody said anything so an awkward silence came up.

'I think we have finished.' He broke the silence. I breathed out and gave him my hand. 'I'll pick you up when you can go to your mother.'

'Thanks. See you then.'

'Bye.' He mumbled and turned around. His white coat followed. I didn't know what to do so I sat down again.

I lent over to a shelf with magazines. I picked one up and began reading through it. Even though my mind didn't pick up a word I read, I read every single magazine and waited for the doctor to come.

After some time I heard the door opening and footsteps came over to me. I looked up from an article about Britney Spears. I saw my siblings walking over to me. I stood up smiling but the smile didn't last for even a second. Tears followed and I fell in Angela's arms. She stroke my bag.

'Hey... it's ok.' She cooed. 'It's ok Katy.' I pulled away and looked in her red puffy eyes. She seemed like she cried too.

'It's all my fault.' I whispered and sobs disappeared my lips again. David gave me a hug too and looked at me worried.

'Kate don't cry.' He said. His blue eyes had a worried expression. 'Are you ready to tell us what happened?' He asked. I nodded and sat down. Both of them did the same and I began telling the story.

Grace's POV

I was already awake for a while and turned around in my bed a few times before I finally opened my eyes. I moaned annoyed. Again I woke up in the middle of the night and again there was no reason to wake up except for the feeling of vomiting. It was kinda funny how I looked to the wall above me again and again thought the same thoughts like just a few days ago. Those thoughts weren't always good. Actually they were like nightmares even if I didn't sleep. My breaths got heavier the longer I laid in my bed. They sounded louder than they actually were. The machine standing always next to me was even louder. Those permanent beeps were so familiar it was kinda scary.

Some moments later I felt how some acid went up my stomach. I grabbed to my side where bunches of vomit bowls were. Even that scenario was too familiar for a thirteen-year-old girl - well, without cancer. So I put the vomit bowl away again and laid back in my bed and thought about nothing and everything. My dad didn't visit me in a while now. Last time was more than 2 months ago. I didn't even know if he had a new slut at home or still screwed that Cindy. I shivered thinking of him having sex with every second woman. I tried to push that thought away and wanted to think of something good instead but tomorrow's check up wasn't better to think of. I knew it spread again and I knew that my kidneys are slowly collapsing too. Sometimes I wished someone would just care a bit so I had a reason to live but there wasn't anyone for too long.

My dad, a wonderful human being changed so much. He never stayed besides my bed for a long time. Be couldn't. He always needed 2 days to recover after visiting me. So only my mom stayed. She was always there until she lost the battle I am about to lose too. She was the one stroking my forehead. She was the one singing to me and holding my hand when I puked the shit outta me. She used to wipe away my tears. But she only used to.

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