Chapter 13 Don't come back

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I woke up next to Katy in fluffy and warm sheets. It was really comfortable in that bed so I used my chance to stay there for a while to wake up. I rubbed my eyes, yawned and turned around to Katy's huge window. The sun was just coming up and it seemed like early morning to me.

After a while I realized which day was today. It was Katy's birthday. As I realized I thought I got a heart attack. I hadn't got any idea of what I could do for her. She did so much for me I couldn't just say happy birthday Katy I love you and let it seem like its no special day.

So I stood up as quiet as possible and tip toed over to the door. It took me about five minutes because I didn't want to wake her up. I looked back a few times before going downstairs where I figured out what to do. It was 7am so I had some time to think. Nugget walked over to me and sniffles on my legs again. After a few seconds she seemed bored and walked away.

I decided to make some breakfast for her and write a letter with some nice words.

I walked into the kitchen and took some white plates out of the shelf. Then two glasses and knives. After that I looked into the refrigerator which wasn't full of food like I wanted and hoped it to be. There was barely some butter and milk that seemed long out of date. The bottles of water were half full and two eggs randomly laid in the freezer. I didn't know that Katy puts eggs into her freezer and it still doesn't make any sense to me.

Even though the stuff in the fridge didn't look that tasty I got it out and put it on the table. I remembered baking a cake with exactly these ingredients with my Forster mum for my dad's birthday. We had some flour too and sugar so I looked for sugar and flour in every single corner of Katy's huge kitchen. Just before I wanted to give up I opened a little shelf where everything I looked for was. I moaned and got the stuff out.

I let the idea of baking a cake run through my mind again and got some doubts that I am capable of baking a cake. I mean I got Katy's cooking skills. At the end I decided to try it, for Katy.

So I went into the living room where Katy's tablet still laid from last night. I opened the lock screen and Google and searched 'very easy cake' the first receipt that was shown, was my final receipt.

I started putting in the now melted eggs and the butter. I put it into Katy's mixer who was actually really loud. But Katy still slept like a baby. The flour and sugar followed and at the end I put in some rest milk of the bottle. I tasted the slimy paste and it tasted better than I thought. I was kinda proud that I baked something good. But the most challenging part was yet to come. I had to bake the cake. So I looked for a baking form. I found one that was still in package. I threw away the plastic and filled the mass into the shape. After putting it into the oven I cleaned up the kitchen and tried to decorate it a little.

Then I took out a sheet of paper and a pen. I started writing Dear Katy, but there was no idea in my head of what I could write, it shouldn't be a birthday card like everyone else. I wanted to do something special.

After a while I got a nice text and I was happy with my work. Some minutes later I got the cake out of the oven and let it cool.

Before I had the chance to get the cake out of the shape I heard footsteps coming from upstairs. I walked over to the kitchen door. Katy rubbed her eyes and yawned while stretching her arms.

'Morning honey.' She said still sleepy the moment she saw me. 'It smells good.'

'Happy Birthday!' I smiled and hugged her.

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