Chapter 10 Changes

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Katy's POV

3 Days later

'Hello! I speak with Luke Cater, right?' I said with my nicest voice.

'Yeah you do. And you are?'

'I am Katheryn Hudson but you can call me Katy.'

'Alright...Katy. Why do you call?'

'Well I'd like to talk to you because of Grace.'

'Oh well I thought you'd like to meet me...Whatever what's wrong?' He said in a disgusting voice. He was really unsympatic.

'Hum I don't want to tell you right now. Can you come over to the hospital?'

'Does it have to be that way? Can't you come over to me?' He said and laughed.

'Yeah please.'

'Just for you darling. When should I come?'

'As soon as possible.'

'Alright I'll be there in 30 minutes. See you sweetheart.' He said and I hung up. He was such a disgusting person. I couldn't believe that Grace lived with him.

I put my phone away and walked over to Grace's room. I felt much better and the last day in that Sant Bernardio Hospital came closer. So the day on wich Grace maybe comes home with me.

Then I knocked on her door and walked in. She watched TV and didn't realized that I came in at first.

I walked closer to her bed and watched her sitting crosslegged on her bed and a big smile across her face.

'Hi Grace.' I said.

'Shh Katy look!' She said and pointed to the TV. She watched MTV and a music video played. 'Isn't that you?' She asked and looked away from the TV right into my eyes.

'Maybe.' I said and smiled too.

'How's the song called? I missed the beginning.'

'That's Chained to the Rhythm.' I said and looked to the TV.

'I love that music video! That looks like so much work.' She said

'Yeah it was. Actually I wanted to tell you that Luke, your dad will come in 30 minutes.'


'Yeah, you remember?'

'Yas I do but I never thought that he'd come.'

'Well now he does.' I said and sat down next to her. The video ended and Grace leaned on my shoulder.

'I haven't seen him for 1 and a half month.'

'I'll ask him about that shit. I still can't believe that he didn't even ask how you are.'

'Actually he never did. It was always my mum hum adoptive mum and then she died 3 month after my diagnosis.'

'Can I ask why?'

'You already did.' She laughed. 'She had cancer too.'

'That was hard for you right.'

'Yeah really hard... I was only 7 years old and when your mum dies because of the diagnosis you have...That's not that nice.'

'Wow...You are so strong.'

'Actually I am not. I thought about ending my life since I am 10 years old. It all didn't make any sence for me. I had no friends, no one that really cared about me. This was a really hard time. These 6 years nearly 7.' She told me. I was so sorry. I can't tell anyone how sorry I was.

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