09 》 crash & crumble

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Ronnie's POV

"I can't believe your really here" Katrina puffs out.

A repeated agreement goes around to group.

It was currently the early hours of dawn.

Ever since I got back last night we had been talking and catching up.

On the cold laminate of Corey and Devyn's room.

It was exactly how I remembered it.

The large mirrors that covered the walls.

The messy and dusty fireplace.

It was as though nothing had been touched.

Nothing at all,

"Well I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon" I say as I turn to look at Colby.

He was already looking at me.

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

I missed that beautiful smile deeply.

I yawned and stretched out,

"I don't know about all of you guys but I've just travelled over 2,000 miles and I have not yet slept" I whine,

"Yeah us too, we just got back from Florida a few hours before you got here" Devyn says, referring to her and Corey who was on his phone.

I stand up and my back cracks.

I groan and roll my neck.

Hours of crossed legs and leaning forward was a bad strain on the human body.

So was alot of other things..


I say goodnight to Corey and Devyn then everyone leaves their room.

Aaron, Elton and Amanda walk off down their hallway.

Sam, Kat, Colby and I walk down ours.

As we turn the corner and flash of colours catches my attention.

They never painted over it.

They never did forget about me,

"We never really did pick up the courage to paint it", Sam sighs,

"To be honest, I knew you were coming back so I hoped that no one did" Katrina says with a smile of duh on her face.

Sam and Colby's head snap to Katrina.

Then to me.

Then to Kat.

Then to me,

"I knew it!" I exclaimed as pointed my finger at a very smug looking Kat,

"Red Olives Never Nail In Elephants" me and Kat say at the same time,

for you only // colby brock [SEQUEL: ONE NIGHT] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now