31 》 full of kindness

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Ronnie's POV

I never really did like getting spoiled and I always hated when my parents would buy me new things.

Something was different now though.

I got a sudden rush when Colby asked..

Well decided what was happening today before we got on our flight.

It was my first flight and I was terrifed but spending time with him has put me at ease,

For now..

There was alot of places to shop and Colby literally asked me if I wanted to go in each shop we had passed so far.

We were on our 3rd lap around.

I finally gave in and walked into Pandora.

The white reflective squeaky clean surfaces lit up the whole room that there was no need for all of the lighting.

I had I walked in ahead of Colby but he had caught up and quickly laced his finger with mine.

We walked around freely since we were the only ones in the airport at the time.

It wasn't quite busy, we had seen some people but not many since it was still quite early on.

We passed diamonds and crystals.

Necklaces and beautiful rings.

I walked past these gorgeous pair of earrings that caught my eye as they quite literally sparkled as I walked past them.

I backed up and Colby copied my steps very carefully.

I leaned in close to look more closely at them.

They reminded me of the ones my grandma used to wear.

They screamed elegance and power plus they were the most amazing things I had ever seen,

"What is it that you like, babe?" Colby asked in a gentle tone.

I really did enjoy his quite nicknames for me.

I pointed at the beautiful diamonds and leaned in closely again so I could check the pricetag.


I gasped and stood back abruptly.

Colby looked at me with worry and then asked me what was wrong,

"They are far too expensive. Come on, there is other places who sell earrings aswell," I said sweetly because I really didn't want to bankrupt him.

That wouldn't be an ideal start to our relationship,

"They aren't the ones you want?" Colby questions as he looks closely at them again,

"No it's just- they are so expensive and-" I begin trying to argue a fair point but there was no use.

He had already signalled the woman behind the counter,

for you only // colby brock [SEQUEL: ONE NIGHT] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now