Chapter 5

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          “Tom!” I yell. Adam has already left but Tom is barely turning his car on by the time I get outside. “Wait!”

            He sighs as I step in front of his car and when he looks at me I stop breathing. Hurt, anger and so many emotions are displayed across his reddening face.

            “Move out of the way please.” His eyes move away from mine and his hands tighten around the wheel.

            “No! I won’t move until you talk to me.” I tell him. He sighs and steps out of his car with his hands inside of his pockets.

            “What Sia? What do you want to talk about?!” He asks.

            “What did you mean with, ‘I can’t believe it?’ because you have no right to judge me Tom.”

            “You were cheating on me with that bloody bastard Sia! And you expect no reaction from me?!” He asks taking several steps towards me.

            “I did not cheat on you! We are over!”

            “When did I ever say that we are over Sia?!”

            “Well it was pretty clear when you completely ignored me for the whole week and then sent me that stupid voice mail that explained squat and when I went to see you; you acted all cold and distant. So excuse me for thinking that you don’t love me anymore!”

            “I told you I was too busy and I have had so much work and I’m sorry but the world doesn’t rotate around you!”

            “Well how convenient that you don’t have time for me but you do have time to come and visit Jaz.”

            “That is very different. She needs me…”

            And he doesn’t think I don’t need him?! I’m about to say that but I keep my mouth shut instead.

            “Well I cannot say I’m sorry but I know I did wrong okay? But you’re not completely innocent in all of this.” He says.

            “What did I do now?” I ask.

            “I just found you with his tongue shoved down your mouth. How long has it been going on? Now that I think about it I know why you tried to make me stop from hitting him.”

            “You think that I was fooling around with him when I was with you?”

            “I don’t even know what to think about Sia. You run off to the guy who raped you, that is just pitiable.” His eyes look gray today and I can still notice a hint of his Loki make up on his face.

            “Well, Adam loves me.” It’s the only thing I can think of saying against my defense.

            “He loves you? He loves you?” He laughs sarcastically just like Loki would. “He raped you Sia, are you so thirsty for love and needy for attention that you run off to the first guy who’s willing to say that he loves you?”

            I close my mouth after what he said because it’s half true. The other half is because I miss him, and I loved him, I loved him so much.

            He stares at me with his penetrating gaze. “I guess there is nothing left to talk about here. I hope you have a nice life with Adam. You deserve each other.”

Your Voice Part 2 (A Tom Hiddleston fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now