Chapter 24

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Here's chapter 24, hope you enjoy xD thanks readers and voters!

-Eliza xoxo


        That same day after school the private investigators appear in my house to question me. Tom couldn’t be here because of work but at least mom, Tobias and Jaz are here with me.

        I have to tell them every single little detail of what happened that night to see if the witnesses’ story matches up with mine. I ask them who the witness was but they said that the witness had asked to remain anonymous. “Could you tell them, that I thank them?” I ask when they are nearly leaving.

        They nod from the doorway and then they leave. Mom gives me a long hug and then she has to leave to work. I thank Bill, our lawyer, and then I’m left alone at home with Tobias and Jaz.

        “I, uh, I found something in the mail today.” Tobias says suddenly when we’re all sitting in Jazmine’s room. “It’s from dad.”

        My heart starts beating fast with hope, I knew he was okay. “What is it? A letter?” I ask.

        “No, it’s a video. Mom saw it earlier but he also addresses us in it, and she wanted for us to watch it alone.” No wonder my mom seemed especially happy today.

        We all go to the living room and Tobias turns the lights off. He takes out a CD and then turns the TV on. My father’s face appears on the screen, my heart squeezes with both relief and sadness. I miss him so much.

        “Hi,” he begins. I notice he looks like he’s in one of the refugees they usually take him too so I know that nothing bad has happened. The resemblance between Tobias and him is astounding but they’re father and son so it’s expected. They both have green eyes, and that bad boy look (as mom calls it), their hair is deep black and even the way they smile is the same. “I’m sorry that I have not been able to reach all of you. Anne,” when he says my mom’s name his voice cracks a little bit and tears fill my eyes, “I miss you more than I can explain. I love you honey, please don’t forget that.” He pauses looking at his hands.

        “Jazmine, I’m sorry that I cannot be there with you. Please stay strong, don’t give up on me and I promise that I won’t give up either.” Jazmine is shaking as tears fall down her cheeks. Oh no, I don’t want to cry, but I know that as soon as I hear my dad say my name I’ll crumble.

        “Tobias, son, take care of my favorite three girls; I love you, I’m sorry that I did not say it as often as I had to. I hope you know that I love you.” He takes a deep breath,

        “Sia…” My breath gets caught in my throat and even more tears well in my eyes. “I know that these months have been rough for you, your mother has told me everything that happened. It breaks my heart to know that I’m not there with you to help you, and I’m sorry.” I’m shaking now too, tears rolling down my face unable to stop. The pain of missing him hits me suddenly and I cover my mouth with my hand. “I love you Sia, please never forget that. Your mother, Tobias and Jaz have to stick up for each other while I’m away. Just know, all of you that I miss you and I love you. And that I hope to see you soon.” The video ends and we all just sit there on the couch. I can feel Tobias trembling beside me, trying hard not to cry.

        He’s sitting between Jaz and I so we both hug him. Suddenly I feel a tear hit my head and I know he’s crying. I’d never seen my brother cry in front of us before which makes me realize he has been staying strong for all of us. But no one can hold back pain forever.

        “I love you, I love you all.” I say with a chocked voice. Tobias kisses the top of my head as his arms wrap around Jaz’s and my shoulders.

        I know my dad is right. The video was comforting in some way because now I know that he’s okay…but it sounded as if he was saying goodbye to us.

Your Voice Part 2 (A Tom Hiddleston fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now