Chapter 31

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Hello darlings! xD here is chapter 31 and a special thanks to Cutoutthatsmile for the votes! And for everyone who's reading!

-Eliza xoxo


I make myself numb as soon as I hear the voice of the judge. I’m shaking badly right now and I feel as if I could throw up. I flinch when I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder but I relax when I realize its Tom’s. I put my hand on his and he kisses it.

            “I will be right here at all times darling.” He says quietly. I nod and stand up when the judge calls me to the stand.

            “Can you state your name for the record?”

            “Ciara Hamilton.” I say before sitting down.

            I see Ally sitting on the table opposite to Adam. Mom, Jaz and Tom are sitting there and I wonder where my brother is. He’s probably in after school suspension again; I’ll just text him later.

            “Miss Hamilton, can you point out Mr. Greene please?” The judge asks me.

            I look at Adam and point at him, “That’s him.”

            The judge nods at Adam’s lawyer and he stands up buttoning his jacket. “Miss Hamilton, you accused Adam Greene of raping you this past Friday?”

            “Yes.” I answer.

            “But you claim that he raped you at a party that happened about three months ago, is that right?”


            He nods and steps closer to me, I feel all eyes trained on us so I look at Tom and he just stares back at me. “What I don’t understand, Miss Hamilton, is why you would decide to report it until now.”

            “I…well my family tried to convince me to do it earlier but I was scared…”

            “Scared of what exactly, Miss Hamilton?”

            “Public humiliation and what he could do to me if he found out what I did.” I answer trying not to snap at him.

            The lawyer nods, thinking about everything but with a frown that says he will sink me. Or that he will try to at least, in any way possible.

            “I am confused Miss Hamilton, if this young man raped you, why did you date him after that?”

            What? Is this like fucking High School? Is this gossip time? “Objection, your honor.” My lawyer says.

            “Mr. Santon…” The judge warns Adam’s lawyer.

            “Withdrawn,” he quickly says, “no more questions for now your honor.”

            I spend the next half hour being interrogated by both lawyers and answering all the questions. As I’m telling everyone what happened I try to keep my tone cold, and a straight face but as the word stumble out of me my voice breaks and the tears fall.

            “Thank you Miss Hamilton, that would be all.” I get off the stand as soon as the judge says those words.

            They call Allison this time and go through the same process. She doesn’t break but she looks terrified. Just as I start to think that Adam is going to be found innocent, our lawyer pulls out a bag of clothes. Ally’s clothes.

            The room suddenly feels small, and I see Adam’s eyes trained on me. Tom notices and whispers, “Darling do you want to go outside?” I nod and we quietly get up. My lawyer says to be quick so we both slip outside.

            “Listen darling there is something I have to tell you now.” Tom says. The seriousness in his tone makes my stomach drop. Have you ever been in a situation where you knew, you just knew that you were going lose? Well that’s how I felt when he told me what he was keeping from me, I felt desperate.

Your Voice Part 2 (A Tom Hiddleston fan fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin