Chapter 37

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At last! The final chapter. I'm sorry for any mistakes here. I left the link to a beautiful video. Enjoy!

-Eliza xoxo

P.S @TheImprobableDreamer thank you so much for you comments, they made my day :D This chapter is dedicated to you.


        I’m still groggy from sleep when I feel him carry me into the room of the cabin we’re staying in. He lays me on the bed and he joins me too.

            “I can’t believe this is happening.” He says quietly.

            “Me neither.” I say turning to him.

            He looks down at me and scans my entire face. I would have felt unnerved once, but now I know that when he sees me, he thinks I’m beautiful.

            He puts his hand on my face and runs his thumb across my lower lip. I stare into his blue eyes, swallowed completely by the beauty of them.

            As I walked down the aisle I nearly stopped. He was in a suit, with a bow tie and I just cannot simply put into words how stunning and beautiful he looked.

            “What is in your mind?” He asks.

            “I can’t believe we’re married.” I say with a smile. “It feels…surreal.”

            He smiles back, his eyes crinkling in that familiar way that I have fallen in love with. “I’m sorry Tom.”

        “What for?” He asks confused.

            “I have had a lot on my mind lately. With my brother’s death, it seems to have been all in my mind that I haven’t really spent time alone with you. And if I have, I’ve always been distracted”

            “Hush, none of that needed. You lost a part of your family, Sia, I understand.” He looks at me and I see sadness inside of his look. “I miss him too.”

            I smile and cup his face between my hands, “Tom, he died taking care of Jazmine and I, he died with honor.”

            He smiles too, “Even now, he keeps protecting you from me by invading your thoughts.”

            I laugh, “I need a distraction.”

            “Oh, I see.” He pulls my face to his and all thoughts that were running through my mind disappear. His tongue parts my lips and if I was standing up right now, I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to walk.

            “Is that enough distraction for you?” He asks and I only answer by pulling him to me again. I swing over his lap when he sits up as his skilled hands grab the zipper of my dress and pull it down. I shiver when those fingers touch my bare back.

Third Person POV.

        They don’t move for a long time as they lay together in bed a few hours later. She smiles at him and he rolls to his side trying to bring his heart rate down to normal. She drives him crazy just by simply putting her lips on his.

            “I love you, I love you. I cannot stop saying it.” He says still feeling a little winded. Her beautiful eyes look up at him and he feels the fire come back to him suddenly. “You are so beautiful my love.”

            She smiles shyly at him. “Do not get shy on me now Mrs. Hiddleston.” He says loving the way how that sounds.

            Mrs. Hiddleston, she thinks, I’m Mrs. Hiddleston now. “You are real chatty tonight, Tom.” She teases him.

            He chuckles as a blush spreads over his face, “I just cannot express how much I love you. It is as if it’s all my lips can say, I love you.”

            She smiles and then gives him a few quick kisses. They lay together, her hand running up and down his rising chest. That night he cradles her and for the first time in a long time she feels completely and utterly safe. He speaks loving words into her ear until her eyes close in exhaustion.

        "I want to be like this forever." She whispers barely breaking through the surface of sleep.

        "How dear?" He asks.

        "Here, in bed. You kissing me. And me, just listening to your voice."


I don't think that anyone until their soul leaves their body, is past the point of no return. - Tom Hiddleston.

Your Voice Part 2 (A Tom Hiddleston fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now