Chapter 25

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Here's 25, getting close to the end.....


        “They came to question me today. The cops came to my freaking house!” Adam says when I open the door of my apartment. “They say that I’m going to trial.”

            “For what?” I ask confused as to what he’s talking about. I take my white coat off and hang it near the door. I go pour myself some wine while Adam shuts the door behind him. Today Dr. Rivera made a whole revision about Jazmine Hamilton’s files and asked me about her therapy. I shake my head trying to clear my head as Adam rants on and on about how the police are accusing him of raping two girls.

            “You raped two girls?” I ask shocked about how stupid he could be. “Two girls? From the same school? Are you trying to get yourself arrested?!”

            “Oh shut up Natasha.” He says with a tired tone. “The police are guarding Sia’s house so I won’t be able to get rid of her. Now the other girl…Allison I think is her name.”

            I nod, “Yes get rid of her Adam.” Ugh it all started as a simple plan to take Sia away from Tom but now it has gotten out of hand. “But don’t be stupid again and leave any evidence behind.”


            “Ally? Where are you? Are you okay?” I ask.

            “I’m fine Sia, don’t freak out.” She says.

            “How do you expect me not to freak out? I called you, I texted you and I went to your house but you weren’t there! It’s been almost two weeks!”

            I can hear her sigh from the other end of the line. “I miss you too.”

            I roll my eyes but smile anyways. “What’s up?” I ask.

            “I heard that you were going to be in court.”

            “I am, this Thursday. Why?”

            “Tobias told me right now,” I hear her giggle and that’s when I realize Tobias is there with her.

            “Tobias is there?” I ask with a smile.

            “What?! No, no, of course not.” I know that she’s lying so I just laugh.

            “Okay, you kids wear protection.” I joke. “Talk to you later.”

            “Bye…” she pauses, “Tobias says he loves you, oh and I love you too.”

            I laugh again, “Bye, love you too guys.”

            For the past week and a half Tobias has been disappearing somewhere and now I finally know where. I knew that he was seeing someone because he had that “love” look in his eyes but I never would have thought it was Ally.

            Jaz thankfully is getting better thanks to Dr. Rivera. He keeps on calling and asking about her, and her “phases” –as he calls them– seem to be fading.

            Mom seems to be happy again, not that she looked miserable or anything but she laughs and smiles more. Then Tom has been away because they are shooting the last scenes in England so I have been pretty glum but we talk almost every day. He refuses to go to bed until I talk to him so he’s sleeping a lot later than he should.


A special thank you again to CharHiddleston and hiddles_youtubelock because they make me happy with their votes and comments. And also thank you to all of you readers >.< lots of Hiddles love for you!

-Eliza xoxo

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