Chapter 18

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I'm sorry that this chapter is so bad, I really am. But I promise that I will make the next one better! A special thanks to CharHiddleston for all her votes and comments xD.

-Eliza xoxo


    I couldn’t do it today because he brought me flowers and I think that breaking up with him would be too mean. I think the truth is that I’m afraid of breaking up with him.

            “Good morning.” Tom says the next day. “The play rehearsals are going to start today, I think that everyone is aware of that, am I correct?”

            All of the cast members nod. “Okay good, now everyone knows the routine. If anyone needs help just ask me, I will be walking around.”

            Everyone stands up and Tom signals for me to follow him outside. “Have you heard about Allison?” I ask him when we step out into the empty hallway.

            “No, not any news yet.” He knows I’m worried about her and he’s been asking around but apparently no one knows what happened to her. She hasn’t showed up since two days ago.

            I sigh, “So, what did you want to tell me?”

            “Did you umm…break up with him?” He asks.

            “Not yet,” I groan, “I’m trying to let him down easy, please understand. I mean, I don’t want him to snap and hurt you.”

            “I’m not worried about him hurting me.” He says cupping my cheek in his hand. I press my hand against his and take a deep breath.

            “I’m fine.” I mutter. The truth is that I am not. I always thought that women who were stuck in an abusive relationship were weak and stupid but now I understand. I feel like Adam somehow owns part of me and like I have said, he has taught me how to shut up and obey him. I’m scared of everything now, but I don’t show it, I even hide it from myself.

            “Honey,” he says softly and my heart skips a beat when I hear the word honey roll off his mouth in such a sultry way, “I know it is hard to let go of him. I do not want to rush you okay? I will wait for you.”

            God when will this man ever have a flaw? When will he realize that he deserves so much more, oh so much more than me? “You’re amazing, you know that?” I say.

            “A couple of your classmates have said that to me.” He jokes. I stick out my tongue at him and we walk back in.

            I look at Charlie and smile at him and he smiles back. I found out that Adam has “spies” all over the school who keep watch of me. That’s how he found out I had spoken to Charlie that day so now I am really cautious of when to talk to certain people.

            Even though Adam is not physically with me, I can feel him. I feel him as if he were a looming shadow always over me not letting me see the sun.

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