Decisions, decisions (CLOSED)

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I told myself that I wouldn't publish any author's notes in this book, however, due to recent events, mainly consisting of myself being an indecisive chicken, here I sit at my computer, feeling slightly ashamed that I broke my promise.

I'm sorry if you thought that this was going to be a chapter. I do realize that I've left the last one on a bit of a cliffhanger, but I've been walking through a quaint little wood, where the trees are made of words and the birds make tapping noises, similar to the sound of typing on a keyboard, when I've finally come to where the road splits into two paths.

I'm not going to reveal anything, otherwise there would be no more story for me to tell, but I'll give you the gist of it.

The left path is the path that branches off to a place where XJ acts very out of character, at least to me. In my head, Xiao Jun is the type of person who is incapable of forgiving. It's simply not in her vocabulary, whether it be forgiving her father or Harry. Yet at the end of this path, she does. Boom. Happy ending.

The right path is the path that branches off to what XJ would do if she was a real person. She'd kill her father, rip the crown off of Ben's head and she and Harry would never exchange a single word ever again. Boom. Realistic ending. Of course, nothing about this book is realistic, but for the story's sake, let's pretend it is.

I am the author. I know that I'm supposed to make the decision. But what if I honestly can't?

It seems that authors, at least on Wattpad anyway, are supposed to make their audience/readers feel betrayed. Either the main character's significant other somehow gets hit by a bus or a couple never talk to each other ever again after their inevitable break up.

Then again, I've seen people come up with happy endings, like in Harry Potter, but sacrifices were made.

Xiao Jun has made sacrifices as well. Her honor, her sympathy, her emotions...Will those sacrifices go to waste if you choose the left path? But on the other hand, will she finally be able to find peace in her hurricane of emotions that have been bottled up inside of her for seventeen years, with Harry Hook at her side?

Xiao Jun will achieve her lifelong goal, the thing that she had fought unrelentingly hard for, if you choose the right path for her. God knows how elated she'll be, being queen of the world, having everything she ever wanted. Her name will be in the history books and she will be remembered as a legend. But will she really be happy? People are known to feel lost after achieving everything, because people always want more. We're never satisfied as humans, and as a fellow human, no matter how much golden poof  XJ has, she's as human as the rest of us.

One month. It's the 16th of October where I am right now. You'll see me again on the 16th of November.

Vote Right or Left in the comments below, or private message me if you don't like allowing others to look at your answer. There's nothing wrong with that.

Exactly one month from today, I will come back, tally up the scores, and we'll see what path you all decided that I take.


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same

The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost


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