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I woke up and took a shower. I got dressed in:

I walk down the stairs carrying my designs

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I walk down the stairs carrying my designs. There was a knock on the front door. I walked over and opened it. A man in a business suit stood holding a file. He held a clip board. I read over it and signed it. All it stated is that he delivered my permits. He handed me my permits and gave me a nod. I walked to the garage where Happy is waiting. I smile and hug him. He takes me to the Contractors office and I walked in and to the front desk.

"How can I help you?" The lady asked.

"Yes, I'm Lilly Stark. I have a meeting with the contractors that I hired." I said confidently.

She smiles and nods. She had me sign in and she leads me to the meeting room. Where there was men talking in a banter teasing each other.

"Mr. Thalman your seven o'clock is here." The secretary said and left. All talking stopped and looked at me. I set my stuff on the table and walked to them in strides.

"I'm Lilly Stark." I said with a smile holding out my hand.

They all shake my hand and they sat down.

"So you said over the phone that you want to build a tower that's bigger then the empire state building?" The man said.

I laugh. "My dad wanted that. You know the egotistical, playboy, philanthropist. But I do what a tall tower. I have many things planned. I got permits for them and for the building." I said handing them the permits. They look over them, and nod.

I open my plans. "So this is what I want..." I said started explaining what I want it to look like. What materials and why. What I am planning to do with each floor to see if they have any input.

They looked shocked but loved what I planned. I told them the materials will be at the lot tomorrow and it's their job to keep to schedule.

"What are you going to call the beauty?" One asked.

"The beehive. Once it's fully functional with will be like a beehive. I want to hold classes there." I said with a smile.

"What type of classes?" The leader asked.

'Computer programing, self defense, Tutoring services for lower class families." I said.

They gave me a look of respect. I smiled and said goodbye to them and walked out with Happy waiting for me. I smile and I get in the car. Happy then brought me to a school and I thanked him. I walked to the Principal's office.

"Hi are you Principal Malroy?" I asked.

He nodded and faced me.

"I'm Lilly Bee Stark I called yesterday asking if I could tutor some kids that are having a hard time?" I stated.

"Ah yes. Follow me we had them rounded up five minutes ago to explain what we are doing." The Principal said then lead me to the empty class room that only has ten teens inside.

I thanked him and walked in. They stopped talking and stared at me. I stood at the front.

"Good afternoon. I'm Lilly Bee Stark Daughter to Tony Stark. I am here to help you with your schooling so you can graduate." I said.

They gaped. "How are you going to help us if you are in elementary?" One called from the back.

I laughed.

"I'm not in Elementary school. I'm about to graduate college with a PHD in Technology and Engineering. I started working on Psychology and criminal profiling two weeks ago. I want to help you achieve." I said.

"Of course she's a genius her dad is one." A girl said.

"It's not easy as you think. I have Dyslexia and ADHD. I have trouble sitting still or reading and writing. I strive to become better." I said.

They gaped at me. I smile, I then started asking them questions on which classes they were failing. Most of them were science and math. But there was a couple in English. I started going over tricks I learned. I would ask them what they like.

One for an example love skate boarding. I drew a ramp on the board and taught them the Pythagorean theorem. I can see teachers looking through the window seeing me talking, showing examples and questions being asked. When It reached a full hour I dismissed them and they walked out talking. I grabbed my things and walked out. I stopped seeing all the teachers gathered talking.

"Who are you? How did you get them to participate?" One asked.

"I'm Lilly Bee Stark. I just reached out to see what they like and used that to create models to teach. A couple like skate boarding so I drew a ramp and drew a triangle and started explaining in skateboarding terms." I said.

"Of course your smart your dad's a genius." One muttered.

"I'm going to stop you there. My dad may be a genius but I had to work hard to prove myself to him. I have Dyslexia and ADHD. I had to work hard to keep on track and read my books. My dad may not be there all the time because of work or parties he goes off to in the middle of the night. I work twice as hard everyday to get double of my classes work turned in. I may be graduating college but those degrees are for my dad. I love inventing but it's a hobby. I'm already starting taking classes for my new Majors. Kids may not seem into your lesson or failing your class it is because they don't understand it from your level. They understand their hobbies and slang." I said I walked off mad and upset from those comments.

I got in the awaiting car and Happy drove us home. I told dad about my day and he was happy for me.

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