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When the train stopped we all climbed off. I looked around and followed the boys to a giant. 

"Hy'a Har'y" The giant said.

"Hi Haggrid this is Ron Weasley and Lilly Stark." Harry introduced. 

"Well I'll be. Dumbledore told us that a stark will be coming. He also says to greet the Princess but not to touch because of your ability." The giant said. I curtsied and he hollered for the first years once again before leading us to the boats. 

I gulped and carefully got in the boat. The boys sat across from me. We were halfway across the lake when Ron looked at me wide eyed. He elbowed Harry and looked back at me. 

"Wha..." I started but I was jerked up in the air. 

Before I can scream I was plunged into the icy water. I was brought to a castle type place and I was set down in a sort of throne room. A bubble appear around my head. A man swam in and stood in front of me. 

"You are Lilly correct?" He asked. 

I nod. 

"Do you know about your mothers?" He asked. 

"When I got the test done before school." I said quietly. 

He nods. "I'm here to bless you. You would have the same abilities as my kin. I'm doing this for my sisters and niece. They deserve to have their own." He said and through a power ball at me. It hit me in the chest and I blacked out. I woke up when I was put on dry land. I started coughing as Harry, Ron and Hagrid run to me.

"Are you okay Lilly?" Harry asked. 

"Yeah. I was summoned to talk to the merpeople." I said quietly. I stood up to find I was dry and clean. Hagrid led us to big oak doors. He knocked and a woman appear. She gave us a speech and then left to check if they were ready for us. Draco strutted over. 

"The mute worthless. You realize you have to speak to use spells right?" He sneered. 

Harry and Ron was about to do something when the professor swatted Draco's head with the parchment and glared down at him. She led us into the hall, I kept my head down. 

Draco was put into Slytherin, Hermione was put into Ravenclaw, Harry was put in Gryffindor and then they called my name.

"Stark, Lilly" The professor called. 

I walked up to the hat and sat on the stool. The hat slipped over my eyes. 

'You have all qualities of all the houses. But your bravery and selfless attitude you belong to the one house I know best.'

"Gryffindor." The hat yelled. 

I flinched and the hat was taken off. I sat next to Percy. He smiled. Harry sat two seats down. on the other side. Ron was put into Gryffindor also. The headmaster did his speech and warned people about the third corridor. I ate very little and Percy still looked at me concerned. He led us to the Common room and with the girl Prefect explained the rules. Everyone went up to bed but I sat on the sofa. Percy sat down next to me and pulled me on his lap. I buried my nose in his neck. 

He rubbed circles on my back. Tears slid down my cheeks. 

"Why did the world hate me?" I cried. 

"The world doesn't hate you. You just have bad luck." He whispered. 

"Bad luck. I was cut open and experimented on. When what they put in me kicked in I turned emotionless and angry. All I wanted was out of there. But I killed people. I killed the people who made me like this. and I keep reliving that day over and over. Telling I am a monster. Then a Norse god came and called me a monster proving I was one and I agreed with him. My dad called me one without knowing it just proves its true. Yet they say I am a hero, I killed aliens, people that tried taking over the world and I'm promoted as a hero. Killing is still killing and I see that every night as I go to sleep. Am I a monster?" I cried looking into his blue eyes. 

"Lilly you are not a monster. You are a girl who has been forced to grow up too fast. You are a smart genius girl who saved millions of lives." He said with a pause. He stared into my eyes his hand came to my chin. 

He slowly put his lips to mine and I was overwhelmed with warm sensations that my body melted into his arms. He pulled away and gave me a smile. I laid my head by his neck and fell asleep feeling safe and warm. 

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