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It has been a couple days since I met Steve Rodgers other known as Captain America. I spent most of the time in the tower getting things ready for opening day. When Fury walked in with Steve and Bucky. I had my baggy, folded, ripped, and stained overalls on and I was painting a picture on the wall.

"Miss. Lilly Fury, Bucky and Steve are behind you." Jarvis said.

"Thank you Jarvis." I said softly.

I turned around and wiped my hands and walked over. I can tell they are looking at my tired eyes. Fury smiles at me.

"Lilly have you met Steve Rodger's?" He asked.

"Yeah Bucky brought Steve by the other day and I gave them a tour of the tour. I also offered technology class." I said softly.

They nodded with a small smile. "I want you Lilly to come be apart of the team." Fury said.

"Fury you know my father never wants me back in danger again. He doesn't even know about what happened yet. It's a forbidden topic." I said hugging my stomach.

"It wasn't your fault Lilly. You saved millions of lives eliminating the enemy. They kidnapped thousands and experiment on them and they die because they weren't strong enough. That just shows your strong." Fury said.

"Jarvis Protocol 389. Tell dad Bucky took me out." I said.

"Protocol 389 activated. Message sent. Anything else Miss. Lilly." He asked.

"That's all Jarvis." I said. I walked over to Bucky and I lifted my arms. He smiled and picked me up. I fell asleep on his shoulder. I woke up and see Bucky talking to Steve.

"mmm Where we at?" I mumbled. They both smile at me.

"You sleepy head are a long way from your tower. We are on a flying boat." He said.

"Oh, Cool. I feel better. No nightmares." I mutter rubbing my eyes.

Bucky set me down and I looked around. I followed the two to a man with graying hair and Nat.

"Nat!" I squealed. Nat whipped around and smiled. I ran to her and she swung me around. I was set on the ground.

"Lilly what are you doing here. I thought your father would make sure you never came?" Nat said.

"Dad thinks Bucky took me out. So I'm here with out my dads knowledge." I said. I smile at the man.

"I'm Lilly Bee Stark." I said. I lightly squeezing his hand.

I can see him wince a little. "Sorry if I squeezed to hard. I'm still working on it." I said looking down.

"You are doing better. You will learn to get used to it." Nat said.

"Yeah well my dad still doesn't know and I have to go from everyday trying to not kill him when we do our hugs." I said.

"Well lets get inside." Bucky said changing the subject.

I was led inside. Fury picked me up and I just lay my head on his shoulder.

"Lilly you will be helping Bruce search for the tesseract." Fury said.

I nodded and I was put down. Nat led me and Bruce to the lab.

"So Lilly what do you like to do?" Bruce asked.

"Building keeps me calm. But I like helping people to achieve better then before I helped." I said looking at him.

"You in school?" He asked.

"I graduated High school when I was eight. I graduated with a PHD in Technology and Engineering. I went back with Psychology and Criminal Profiling." I said.

"Your Dad must be proud. Do you like to read?" He asked while typing.

"Not really I have trouble reading. I have Dyslexia and ADHD. So I can't sit still long enough to pay attention nor can I fix the words before I get frustrated or fidgety." I said

"Oh. How are you so strong." He asked.

I froze.

"Two weeks ago I was exiting a school I tutored at. I was taken by Hydra. An organization created by a man in World War Two. I was strapped to a table and they injected me like a lab rat. I faked falling unconscious and they left. I broke free and grabbed the scalpel beside me. I killed the guard. I didn't have much time. I grabbed their radio and the mans keys. They sent waves of guards after me. I did what I did to survive. And now I can't sleep a wink without rewatching what happened that day. I was turned into a super soldier." I said looking at him. Tears falling from my eyes.

He looked at me shocked. I looked away and wiped away my tears. I continued to work not saying anything.

The door slammed opened and I jumped throwing a pencil to wall beside the door impelling the was. I saw Dad stand there in shock at the pencil then to me.

"Lilly why are you here. I don't want you anywhere near the danger." Dad said.

Tears threaten to pour.

"Fury just asked if I can help find the cube. That's why I am in here." I stated. The rest come in and watched the screen.

"You have the monsters." Loki said. I froze and closed my eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to see Nat. Steve and Bucky gave me understanding looks. I went to working. And fiddling with wires.

Dad and Steve were arguing.

"All you are is a lab rat Rodgers." Dad said. I choked a sob. I turn around and the room was quiet.

"Is that what you think. Does that mean I can't be no hero because I was a lab rat. What do you think they did to me? They pumped me full of chemicals. I became a monster. I became emotionless. I slaughtered a full base of Hydra agents with what they did to me and a scalpel. I haven't been able to sleep a wink since that day. I keep watching the same memory seeing myself kill those agents without emotion. And you said lab rats can't be hero's. So your saying I'm evil Dad. I guess I am. You were forced to raising me." I said tears streaming down.

He was pale, wide eyed and shocked. I ran out the doors breaking it off and just running.

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