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I woke up to shouting. I open my eyes and peck a still sleeping Percy. I slowly slip out of his hold and walk down the stairs.

"What's with all the yelling?" I whined.

"Oh sorry dear. The boys took the car to save Harry." Mrs. Weasley said.

I just realized the boys are starring at me. I looked down to see I was in one of Percy's shirts and my shorts. I look back at them.

"What?" I ask.

They didn't answer. I rolled by eyes and walked back to Percy's room. I see Percy getting dressed. I hugged him from behind and he held my hands.

"You woke up early this morning. Usually I have to wake you up." He said softly and a smile upon his face.

"I woke up to your mother yelling at the boys." I said.he turned and gave me a hug. He picked me and and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed. He walked down the stairs.

"Percy put me down. I was wanting to go back to sleep..." I whined.

There was chuckles.

"Percy can you turn so I can face the boys please." I asked sweetly. He turned and I put my head on my hand. I glared at them.

"I declare war. You made me lose sleep so beware." I said.

"Percy you can turn me I don't want to even look at them." I said dramatically. He did and I started planning my revenge. I was finally put down and I was almost asleep. 

"Percy I was almost asleep. Why'd you put me down." I whined. There was more laughter. 

I turn and glare at them. I waved my hand and their hair turned neon pink and they are dressed as woman with a bunch of glitter. I heard Percy chuckle. He took out a camera and snapped a picture. I duplicated it several times and put them in my trunk. They were just starring at each other in shock. Mrs. Weasley walked in and looked up from the plates. She screamed and dropped the plates. I put my hands out and saved them putting them on the table softly. Me, Percy and Ginny sat at the table and started eating as Mrs. Weasley started yelling them on how inappropriate to dress as a female show girl. I smirked and kept eating.

"Mom, we didn't Lilly did this. Not us!" The twins said pointing at me. She looked at me.

"Don't look at me I was barely put down by Percy. Besides I'm not seventeen unlike them I follow the rules." I said.

She glared at the twins and started ranting. Percy grabbed my hand and gave me a smirk. Ginny smiled at me and we all ate while the boys tried to get out of what I put them in.

It took three days until it wore off and Mr. Weasley turned red trying not to laugh. But every time he saw them he busted out laughing. Today was the final day before going to school and I got a letter from Dumbledore saying that Me and Percy have our own private corridors. I smiled and Percy got the same letter as I did. We smiled at each other. 

I have hit a growth spirt and I am now only a couple inches shorter than Percy rather then a foot and some odd inches shorter. Well anyways I need to get some beautiful sleep.

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