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Dad came with me and the old man. Who's name is Albus. Dad brought money to transfer the funds into wizard money.

I dodged every touch. That was until someone slammed into me. I didn't move an inch but I was frozen watching events that's going to happen.

"Lilly are you okay?" Dad asked.

I looked at him then Albus. My arms began to let off steam.

"Lilly calm down everything is okay." Dad said.

I close my eyes and took a silent breathe. I open my eyes and started to walk with them to the white building.

I looked down. Dad transferred the American money to wizard gallons, sickles, and knits. He created me a vault. But first they had to check if I have vaults there.

I had to cut my palm. I watch without emotion as my blood drips. My wound closes and I stare at my palm that had such a little scar. 

"Our apologies princess. You mothers came in here three months ago and set you up with accounts larger then the richest. They said you will be coming." The goblin said.

"Mothers?" Dad said questionably.

I got out my notepad. 'I have five moms dad. The one that gave birth to me held their eggs. With magic they combined them and when you had the dirty with my human mom I was created with the DNA of all my parents.' I wrote.

He fainted. I sigh and lit my head on fire and place it near his hand. He shot straight up. I extinguished the fire and back away.

We just got money out for my supplies and my dad wanted to buy every book in the book store. We practically did and Albus took us to the place I'll be staying. Albus wanted me to stay here for the next week and  he will take my dad home. Me and Dad said goodbye and I nodded to the family.

"So tell us about yourself." The woman said her kids sat around the table with her husband standing beside her.

I open a new page on the notebook and a pen.

'I'm Lilly Bee Stark. I'm Eleven. Single child. My dad raised me on his own. Last year I graduated college in the muggle world. I was kidnapped and experimented on. They infected me with something and I am a super soldier. I have enhanced strength, durance, speed, and fast healing factors. I saved the world from an alien invasion and in the process I was stabbed by a Norse god several times. I was a miracle to survive. But I have been unable to talk since the incident three months ago. If someone touches me I see their deaths. So I'll appreciated you don't touch me.' I wrote and ripped the paper out handing it to the awaiting hand.

The boy read it out loud. They started firing questions.

"What about your mom what happened to her?" The woman asked.

'I have 5 moms. The woman who gave birth to me was a carrier for the other four. They implanted their eggs in her and infusing it to the woman's. So I have five moms and one Dad. The one that gave birth to me didn't want me and left me with my dad. The other four were unable to care for me because of the danger they bring. One had a husband that cheats on her all the time but can't do nothing with the contract they have in place. Two others made a unbreakable to do the dirty. So they asked lady magic for help. So she helped them with the situation but only if she was to put her DNA in also so she can be my mother also. They agreed and picked s woman who needed someone to brighten her day and good qualities. The woman did not know what they did and never met my other four mothers. She said I was a mistake and left me with my father is a rich playboy who has dangerous people after him.' I wrote and handed the note to the woman.

"Oh dear. So one of your mothers is lady magic?" She asked. They gapped and looked at me waiting for an answer.

'That's what the goblins say when they checked for my vaults. And I was visited and told last night what happened.' I wrote.

"Oh." She said and everyone asked their questions and I fell asleep.

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