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I can hear cracking and whispers. I could hear excitement and then I heard someone yelling to get someone else. I can feel the shell I once was in, shatter and people screaming. I was about to fall but arms catch me and hoisted me into a bridal hold.

"Put her here Harry." I heard a woman say.

I was laid down and I felt magic spread over me and my magic did not like that. It lashed out and I heard someone yell for everyone to stay back. My eyes shot open and I floated vertical with my hair sprayed out. I felt my magic doing something to me and I was carefully put on the ground with no shoes. My eyes gave a glow. I slowly look around to see people in robes staring at me.

"Lilly?" I looked at the boy my eyes calculating. Memories flow through my head.

I scrunch my eye brows trying to connect the name to the face. He looks a little older and there's a black dog behind the bushes.

"Your Harry?" I said slowly. My voice came out like bells.

He nodded. I looked around trying to connect names.

"Dear how are you feeling?" A woman asked.

"I'm trying to remember." I said softly.

"Remember what dear?" She asked worried.

"I can remember things just the names are slowly coming back." I said. I looked at the castle and the sky. Black floating comes near but I sent a glare and it gave a screech. They fled. There was murmurs.

"Lilly." I turned to the person. It was the headmaster.

"Follow me dear. Your father has come to talk to you." He said. I followed him slowly. My hands in front of me. I was in some type of dress and my hair was elegantly done. He climbed but I floated up the stairs. I touched down to the ground and began following him again. He opened his door and waited for me to walk in. I walked in and looked around to so another man and my father. Memories of working in a lab, and coding programs.

I looked at my father and blinked. He looks older, I tilt my head and walked to him and gave him a hug. He hugged back tighter. I can feel him crying and my body glowing a little giving comfort. He pulled away to look at me.

"You look different." He stated.

"You look older." I said.

He looked surprised as my voice came out like a soft tune of a bell. He turned to the person who stood awkwardly beside him.

"Do I look older?" He whispered.

The man looked at him and to me with a smile and a wink.

"Tony you look like a grandpa." He stated. He put his hand on his chest with a look of mock hurt.

I looked at the Headmaster who was studying me. He gave me a reassuring smile. I looked at father and the man.

"I apologize if I don't know your name. I'm still trying to sort out names to faces." I said quietly.

"James Rhodes." He said.

I nod blinking. I turned and looked at the headmaster.

"Can I go rest." I said.

He nodded.

"Go to the infirmary dear. Do you remember where that is?" He asked.

I nodded and walked out the door and floated down. I then walked down the hall to the infirmary. The woman pointed to a bed and I laid down and close my eyes.

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