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"What the?" I said looking at the trashed place that had robot parts on the floor. A table was broken and so was some windows. 

I walked around in a blue dress that matches my eyes. I walked into the lab to see everyone arguing. 

"What happened here?" I asked. 

All heads snapped to me. 

"Lilly is that you?" Dad asked shocked. 

"Yes that would be me. but who trashed the place. my beehive better not be like this. Or I swear I will kill someone." I said my hair igniting into flames. 

"Lilly your hair." Natasha said. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and reopen my eyes. 

"Sorry I ditched the last week of school because I almost killed the jerk." I said sitting on a table. 

"What jerk?" Clint asked. 

"The jerk I thought loved and cared for me, but I caught him getting it on with another girl. Then to get almost killed because the vow we made his locket turned to an arrow and went straight to my heart." I said. 

"They said you disappeared." Dad said shakily. 

"That's bull. I was in the lake in a ice cube because my magic was trying to repair the broken heart I suffered. because even though the arrow didn't hit my magic tore my heart so it was fixing itself as I was in a coma like state under the freezing water. I woke up wearing princess cloths and saved some people before scaring the whole school because I confronted Percy." I said crossing my arms. I hear howls in the distance. 

"A wolf is hurt." I said with a frown. 

"How do you know?" Dad asked confused. 

"I don't know. I just know." I said. I appeariated and appeared in the forest. The wolves growled and got in stances in front of their hurt leader. 

"I'm not hear to hurt you. I'm going to heal me. I promise." I said softly. 

I walked to the leader and the wolves watch me closely. I healed the wound and run my fingers through the wolves fur. 

I heard a twig snap and my head snapped over. Girls in silver parkas stood watching me. The wolves stood in front of me and their leader. The woman stepped forward and the wolves growled at them and I calm to the leader. 

"Enough now. I'm sure they will put their weapons down if they wish to be peaceful." I said softly. When they did put away their weapons and the wolves relaxed. The woman walked forward. 

I watched her. I heard a snap and I turned and saw a large man. He looked into my eyes and he took a step back and fell on his bout. He got up and ran away. I turned to the shocked group of girls. 

"Who are you?" Asked a girl with black choppy hair and Lightning blue eyes. 

"Lilly. Why are you here, with weapons?" I asked looking at them. The leader got up and licked my hand and led his pack into the forest. I kneeled and pressed my hand to the ground and grass started to grow with flowers. some small creatures peaked through the tree tops. I smile and gave a come on move. 

"Come little ones." I said softly. 

They climbed down and I pet a few of them. 

"You love them don't you. You are so good with them." The woman said with a smile. 

"They are the only ones that are not scared of me or hate me. They don't stare at me tell rumors about me. They don't cheat and break my heart literally." I said softly. 

I walked to a tree that was dying. I touched my hand and the color came back to the bark and moss covered the tree with a bunch of lilies on it. I smiled at the aweing group. I teleported back to the tower. 

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