Chapter 1 - Glorious

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Hey guys!! My name is Skyler. I am 16. This is my first book on Wattpad and I am so nervous of of what you will think about it!

A little bit about myself - I am 16. I love art, reading, singing, P!ATD, music in general, and adventure sports. I have been called really sarcastic, and I am told I am full of energy. I am a big chatterbox, an overthinker, and kind of a tomboy. Well...I hate stereotypes but I don't mind being one. I am who I am and I love myself. So anyways...I also love Logan Lerman, Riverdale, sports, videogames, and procrastination.

I have read many books on Wattpad, and since a long time I wanted to write a book, which was slightly different from the other books. I have tried to keep this book as closely relatable to normal life as possible, and kept it realistic because many times books have quick escalations, and exaggerated plots.

The chapter names are names of songs which are in my head while writing this chapter...and somewhat related to it.

I am open to suggestions, criticism, feedback, praise and of course, your theories about the plot. I would love to read where you think the story is going.

I have also tried to keep your cast as unconventional as possible. Rafael Miller is an instagrammer, and Taylor Hill is a model. Both of these are used as cast members very rarely.

Oh and one last thing! Please don't copy my story. It is so wrong to copy someone else' s plot and idea and calling them your own. If you copy my story, I will come and find you and then kill you. Mwahahahahahaha.

Seriously though.

Be creative.

If you find anyone copying my story, please tell me.

Thank you for reading this!!

-- Skyler


Song - Glorious - Sage the Gemini ft. Skylar Grey

Media - Skyler Adams played by Taylor Hill

Chapter 1 - Glorious

"Where are you?" I mumbled, and rummaged deeper in the drawer. I pushed aside the random donut, a paint stained cloth and paint bottles. 

I got up and straightened my back, searching for a familiar silver object amongst the flood of random things on a wooden table I call my station. 

"Has any one seen my...?" I started loudly, waving my hands dramatically. 

That's when I spotted it. 

My shiny silver Shades and Strokes ID. 

In Penelope's hand. Penelope, who looked awfully smug for someone as stupid as her, was my boss's other assistant. I smiled sheepishly at her. 

She was kinda my supervisor too. 

"Uh... can I have that? You know she will kill me if..." I started imploringly.

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