Chapter 21 - Into You

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Song - Into You by Julia Michaels (or Ariana Grande. I honestly love both and couldn't choose) 

 Chapter 21 - Into You 

The ride back was filled with silence, a comfortable silence. 

I think the fact that Philip and I were together now hadn't really set into my mind. 

Wait. Do I call him my boyfriend or not?

Is it weird that I think it would be a bit weird?

Ugh. What is wrong with me? I will probably mess this up.

"Do not over think this Skyler." Philip's voice came from behind me. I looked at him, surprised. 

How the eff did he know I was overthinking?

"How did you know I was doing that?"

"Because I know you and you had the most anxious look on your face. So I inferred that you were probably overthinking." Philip said, smiling a little. "Everything is going to be fine, Miss Adams. We will be fine."

"Okay." I said and settled comfortably in my seat, looking out of the window. The soft hum of the car engine and the warmth in the car must have lulled me to sleep because the next time I woke up, we were already at the castle. 

We had reached back in less than 2 hours. How? I have no idea.

I groggily got out of the car and took the usual route from the back of the castle. I quickly straightened my appearance in a nearby bathroom and went for breakfast where the rest of the family was just about to begin eating. 

I stared at the two empty seats. Philip and Alex's.

Is he still sick?

Okay. I am going to go and visit him today. No matter what. 

I spooned some scrambled eggs into my mouth and took a good look at the other family members. They all looked pretty normal. 

Hah! I wonder how they would react if they knew what Philip and I have been up to.

The doors opened and in he came, acting so very darn normal, that is, he was typing away on his phone.

"Morning, Mother, Father." He said and nodded at the rest of us. I resisted the urge to role my eyes.

Palace Philip was kind of an ass.

I soon finished my breakfast and went back to my room. I knew it was a mess and I had full intentions to clean it up. While I was cleaning up, I listened to music. Halfway through Rolling in the Deep, I received a call.



I instantly picked up the phone.

Before I could say hello, she started talking in an urgent manner. "Skyler? I need you to come to my house right now. Do you remember my address?"

"No. Text it to me. I will be there in 15 minutes." I said and she replied with an okay and cut the call. 

I stared at my half cleaned room and shrugged. Will have to do it later, I guess.

I quickly changed my clothes and rang Charlie, asking him to call someone to drive me. Soon, I was on my way to Eliza's. 

As soon as I knocked on her door, she opened it and pulled me in. 

I almost fell over in the process. I took off my jacket and beanie, hanging it on the stand, and then turned to look at Eliza.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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