Chapter 5 - Lemon

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Lemon - N.E.R.D ft. Pharell Williams and Rihanna

Chapter 5 - Lemon

"Can we please go back?" I muttered.

"Nope." Sean said.

"Can we go through a back door or something?" I asked hopefully.

Sean seemed to consider it and then nodded. He led us to the back of the school, which was not crowded, and had only a few people milling around. I could only see a few jocks joking around, and a janitor near the dumpster. He led me to a door behind a pillar.

He jiggled its knob, and it opened.

"How do you know about this door? It is very well hidden." I asked confused. Had he not brought me to it, I would have never noticed it in the first place.

"I have already graduated from this school. Batch of 2014." He shrugged like it was no big deal. I gaped at him. I thought he was my age!

"So, you are like 20?" I exclaimed, shocked.

"Yeah. You didn't think they would employ 17 year olds in the royal army did you?" He chuckled.

"" I turned red out of embarrassment. He so does not look 20. Twenty year olds that I have seen have beards...and tattoos...and girlfriends.

Not that I have a problem here.

"Let's go."

I followed him inside, cussing myself to be so silly.

As soon as we stepped in, we were greeted with cool air, the smell of freshly cleaned floor, the noise of sneakers squeaking, and loud chatter.

This is high school alright.

I let out a shaky breath as I followed him to the reception. Then a question popped into my head. "Wont the teachers over here recognize you?"

"All the faculty members who know about me have been sworn into secrecy. The Queen and my general have done everything to ensure this goes properly." Sean said, looking a bit proud. "Plus most of my old teachers are gone. There are only 2 teachers, the janitor and the Principal here who know about me."

Oh god. This only shows how seriously the Queen is taking our deal. I just hope I don't disappoint.

"Question." I prompted. "Wont the locals and the kids at school recognize you or anything?"

"I was the invisible kid at school. Literally. I lived in the poor part of town and no one really knew me. If I show you my photographs from my childhood, you will not recognize me. At all. I have buffed up, grown taller, left behind the emo and punk clothes, and my hair doesn't go past my shoulder anymore. Also, my name has been changed, and now I have a new identity. My parents know that I work for the army, but my parents think that I am working as a journalist for some minor newspaper in Belgium." He chuckled.

I was going to ask him another question, when we arrived at the place labled "Admin", short for administration.

He pushed open the glass doors, and stepped inside. The back door was just some 10 meters away from this place. The admin, like the rest of the school, had modern furniture and interior designing. Bright lights shined from the ceiling, and dark wood and white furniture, and white tiled floor gave it an attractive yet intimidating look.

We crossed a few doors and made a couple of turns before coming to counter, behind which two ladies sat. We looked down at them. Sean flashed them a killer smile. "Hello ma'ams. We would both like to have our schedules. I am Sean Jones, and this is Skyler Adams. We are both seniors."

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