Chapter 15 - Connection

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Song - Connection by One Republic

Chapter 15 - Connection 

I am a winter girl. I always have loved the snow and I could just lie in snuggly blankets and eat warm food all day. I love the idea of watching soft snow fall from your window while you hold a cup of hot chocolate and have Netflix playing in the background. I love wearing warm clothes and playing in the snow. Winters are awesome. 

But I absolutely despise the Illyrian winter. I hate it. I absolutely hate it.

"I hate winters. I hate winters. I hate winters." I whispered as my teeth chattered and I let out a puff of warm air which turned into mist. I clutched my jacket sleeves and buried my face in my muffler as I made my way to the school building. 

Illyrian winter was not the snowy kind. It was the kind which featured cold nippy winds, frigid temperatures and rain.

That's right. Rain. Not snow, but rain.

And on top of all of this, my freaking head hurts! Ugh. Today couldn't be worse. 

I glanced at Shawn who seemed perfectly at ease in the bitter cold. I blew warm air into my gloved hands and threw a dirty look his way. 

He chuckled. "What?"

"How are you not dying of hypothermia?" I shivered, my teeth chattering. Does winter also make your limbs all weird?

"Cause I am naturally hot, duh." He said in a matter of fact voice.

I gave him my driest look and he laughed. "I don't know. I just don't feel cold easily."

I just huffed and rubbed my hands together. I then stuffed them into my jacket pockets and mumbled curses at the stupid weather. Almost as if in response to my rudeness, another chilly gust of wind went by, causing me to sneeze. 

Here is the thing, though.

My sneezes are loud and ugly. 

I sneezed out all the air in my lungs along with snot and sneezed so loudly that, and it gave the illusion that I was yelling, which I might have.

Oh and I bit my tongue.

"Shit!" I yelled as blood filled my mouth and I simultaneously tried to wipe my nose. In my flurry to wipe my nose and my disorientation from the mega sneeze, I ended up slipping on the wet pavement.

All of that happened in literally 5 five seconds. 

I sat, completely confused, on the pavement. My butt was dangerously near the water and I scooted a bit away, still not able to fully comprehend my situation. I then became aware of the disgusting liquid seeping from my nose. I instantly wiped it using one of the napkins I always keep handy. 

"I am okay." I said loudly to no one in particular.

I glanced at Sean who was dying in laughter. 

"Do you always sneeze like that?" He asked between his howls of laughter. I turned red. "Oh my god." He burst into a fresh set of laughs.

Oh my god. Kill me now. 

"Sean." I whined. "Be a gentleman and help me up."

"Sure." He said but continued laughing. He was clutching his sides now and was finding it hard to stand up. I turned redder, partly from the cold and partly from the embarrassment. 

"Yeah yeah I have ugly sneezes. Big deal." I muttered and got up. 

"I think its best you don't go to school tod... " He started and I instantly brightened up and sniffled. 

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