Chapter 8 - Young, Dumb and Broke

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Song - Young, Dumb and Broke by Khalid

Chapter 8 - Young, Dumb and Broke.

I tossed and turned.

I couldn't sleep.

I just couldn't.

Not after what happened less then 10 minutes ago.

I am a teenage girl. If weirdly cheesy or cliché stuff happens to me, I tend to overthink it. Add to that an extremely moody but good looking Prince and you get an insomnia ridden, overthinking Skyler.

How....What...I mean....what the heck happened back there....

That guy...why did he....what did he...

Why would he do that?

Do what?

You know.....that.

Do you mean him teaching you how to dance?

Yes...but also the thing that happened during that....

You mean that you two had a ...... a moment?

Yeah. That.

And the fact that your heart was racing at the speed of a Maserati GranCabrio Sport at its fastest?

That too.

And the fact that you wanted that moment to last forever?

Not forever! But......yeah.

And the fact that you felt like you were going to melt due to the warmth, the weird tingling, the sparks and the infinite butterflies in your stomach and turn into a big pile of goo? But in a good way?


Mazel tov. You have a crush on the crazy Prince.

What? Pffttt. Nah. Are you serious? What the heck....hahaha. Good one.

I broke into a series of nervous chuckles.

I cant have a crush on the Prince. I cant! That's just stupid and dumb and insane and most importantly....that's impossible.

I mean he has a personality as bright and sunny as the Black Hole and is as grumpy as a Kardashian without makeup.

No offence to the Kardashians though.

He also does not care about me and is never nice to me. Heck he has threatened me!

The only things remotely good about him, is that he is drop dead gorgeous.

Yep. That explains it. I am just attracted to him cause he is eye candy. Like the most expensive eye candy out there.

And probably the best too.

What the heck?!

I cant believe I just thought that. I mean....have you seen the Hemsworth brothers and Cole Sprouse and Dylan O'Brien and Logan Lerman and....

Yeah but have you seen Phillip in one of his suits?! Your hormones rush about like crazy and it just makes you wanna...

Don't. Finish. That.

Then I realized that I was just having an internal conversation where my brain had split in half and taken two different stances.

It was practically World War 3.

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