Chapter 17 - If Our Love Is Wrong

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Song - If Our Love Is Wrong by Calum Scott

Chapter 17 - If Our Love Is Wrong

"So, why Leaton?" I asked as I got out of the car and stretched myself. 

"Hmm?" I heard Philip say distractedly. I turned around to find him typing on his phone. 

"Nope. No way. No way are we doing this if you are going to be using that thing again this night." I said, smoothly plucking his phone out of his hand.

"Miss Adams, I..."

"No." I said seriously. "You need to learn to be in the moment. You need to look up from that little screen of yours that seems to be taking over your life. Enjoy your life, Philip. You deserve to." I smiled and handed him his phone back.

He stared at me for a couple of seconds but then he switched off his phone.

"Thank you." I smiled softly. Philip smiled too and then said," The answer to your question is that it's because I was born here and not in the Royal Hospital like royal children usually are. It is also the only place in the whole country where no one recognizes me." He said, taking in a deep breath.

"How do they not recognize you?" 

"This part of Illyria is quite... off the radar. It is a small town where people just go about their regular business and don't bother with their prince's latest scandals. It is shocking, really.. how they have no idea that I am their prince. But, it's the truth. Hardly anyone here would know who I am." He said, kicking at the snow. "Besides, a winter wardrobe serves as an excellent disguise."



"Oh my god. There is snow here!" 

"Hardly." He laughed. "It snows occasionally here since it is in the more northern part of the country. "

"We have got to have a snowball fight before we leave." I said excitedly as I grabbed some snow off the ground.

"We will see." He says. "But for now... I have an excellent night out planned for us." I smiled and nodded.

"Lead the way."

"Alright, then. First of all, we are going skating." He said, walking ahead and I rushed to catch up with him. 

"Ice skating?" I said excitedly.

"No. Roller skating." He paused and frowned. "I hope that you like roller skating."

"But that's even more fun! Also, when I fall I won't end up with cold, numb palms." I grinned and skipped beside him. I looked at my surroundings. 

The town seemed to be something out of a retro movie. It had the cheesy, romantic vibe with it's cutesy shops and fairy tale streets. No sky scrapers or highways or screens. Just peace and quiet. Very few people were about and all were bundled up in warm attire. Warm light poured into the streets from the windows of the small homes that dotted the streets and snow sparkled in the moonlight.

"This place is beautiful." I sighed and watched my breath turn to mist. 

"It is." He said, his voice soft. "I adore this place."

We walked in silence, a comfortable one, for a couple of minutes before finally arriving outside a large building with glaring neon signs and music emanating from inside.

"Two tickets, please." Philip said, pulling out money from his coat pocket and handing it to the woman in her thirties, manning the ticket booth whilst being half asleep.

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