Chapter 14 - The A Team

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Song - The A Team by Ed Sheeran

Chapter 14 - The A Team

"Your Highness, Miss Adams, welcome to the Killian mountains." I heard the guard say. 

"Thank you, Roger." Philip said. 

We fell into silence. 

"Is anyone planning to open my blindfold anytime soon? Or am I supposed to stumble my way to the top?" My voice snapped through the silence. 

At that, Roger opened my blindfold. Despite the darkness, I had to blink a little to get adjusted to my surroundings.

"Oh my god I can't believe I am here!" I squealed, into the darkness. We were standing a few hundred meters off some really high mountains. 

Some parts of the mountains were covered with dense forests while the other parts shone under the moonlight falling from the clear sky. I knew there was gonna be a killer view from the top of ones of those mountains. 

I turned around to look at the other two and for a second was caught off guard by Philip's disguise, but I recovered myself.

"So... are we ready?" I asked looking at the two of them, silently signalling Philip to get rid of Rogers who was looking around... doing some security stuff. 

"Alright let's go. Rogers." Philip signalled the beefy guard to follow us. 

I gave Philip a sarcastic look. He just looked at me confusedly. 

I rolled my eyes and continued talking. "Okay. So, out here in the wild, there are gonna be wild things every where. Like literally every where. That plant over there..." I pointed towards a seemingly harmless bush. "... could be poisonous thing for all you know. We need to be very careful. But don't worry... Skyler will always be here to save the day." I flashed my biggest smile.

The two of them gave me blank looks. 

"Let's scale this big butt mountain, people!"

I could hear Philip falling me. After a few meters, I couldn't take it. I turned to face Philip, almost bumping into him in the process. 

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You need to get rid of your guard over there."

"That isn't possible, Mis..."

"Well then tell him to follow us from behind. Way behind." I whisper shouted.

"I..." He started but I interrupted him. 

"No." I narrowed my eyes at him. "I agree to your condition of a guard accompanying us. That is one of the few rules you got to make for the night. Rest of the rules I make."

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and glared at him defiantly. 

"Rogers follows us at a minimum distance of 20 meters. He should not stop us from doing any stupid stuff.  Oh and he should just... not be visible you know? It's weird to have someone follow you. I mean, let him be there. But like can he shadow us without being seen?"

"I...." He started again. He cleared his throat. "First of all..."

"Nope nope nope. You don't get to say that. When you say that, it usually means disagreement."

"Miss Adams, I..."

"No." I said.

"Miss Adams, please let me..."


"You have a giant insect on your shoulder." He said bluntly. 

I blanched. I slowly turned my head towards my right shoulder, only to come face to face with giant black and blue monster making its way to my face. 

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