First Step In Holmes Chapel

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Amelia's p.o.v~

Bradford was all I could think about at the moment. My birthplace, the place which bred till teenage, the place that gave me my amazing friends, the place that gifted me with so many precious memories to bear till my last breath. Out of the blue, I was removed from that place, perhaps forever. Is it really this easy to cut down all the connecting strings one has with her nativeland? I don't believe this. I don't believe any of what's happening right now. How could my parents do this to me? How could they take away my everything away from me without even asking for my opinion once? And even after all this how could they expect me to cope with this new place which I hate with every cell in my body?

As dad parked the car in front of our new house with a light jerk I snapped back to reality. Mum and my little sister April got out of the car. Seeing that I wasn't moving, dad said in a soft tone.

"Honey I understand how you feel but this is your home now on. I promise you're gonna love it here."

Hah, I wish healing my pain was that easy dad. No one can ever fix this and nothing can compensate for my loss.

I slowly got out without saying a word. I slung my backpack over over my shoulder. As I made my way towards the house a group of kids, of almost my age, caught my eye. They were all busy scanning me, top to bottom, as if I was some new creature at the zoo. I wanted to punch each of them straight in the face. But, I knew better, so I just ignored them and walked into the house.

The house was even bigger than our previous one in Bradford. I asked my mum where my room was and she told me that it was upstairs at the end of the corridor. So I went upstairs. While passing through the corridor I watched my sister organizing all her dolls and toys. She looked quite happy. I walked to the end of the long corridor and opened the last door. The room was airy and spacious, it was music themed. Different musical patterns were drawn on the off white walls and i also found some of my favorite lyrics written across the walls, just like my old room. I respected the efforts of my parents to make me feel at home but I was way too disgusted with the idea of not being in Bradford anymore. I locked the door and plopped down on the bed. I brought out my phone as I felt it vibrate in the pocket of my jeans. It was Lacey, my best mate, one of the most precious things I had left in Bradford.

"Hey Lace!" I said trying to cover up all my sobs that threatened to escape at any moment.

"Hey Mel!" Lacey greeted back, "You don't sound good y'know."

Dude this girl just knows me too well, she's like my reflection.

"I'm sad and i feel like running back home" I told her the truth

"But that is your home now love." She stated the obvious.

"I literally hate it here from the very maiden second I came here!" I poured all my emotions in.

"It's okay, shh I'm here okay? you can talk to me whenever you want, just like we did earlier!" Lacey being her usual kind self tried to comfort me.

"Nothing's okay! I'm gonna have to start school from tomorrow and I am pretty sure the kids here are gonna be meanies!" I blurted out.

"Trust me, everything's gonna be fine Mel. Just relax"

"I really do hope so. Bye Lace, take care."

"Bye Mel and you too." And with that I hung up.

I decided to explore my room a bit. I checked out the closet and the study desk. The shelf had my collection of books neatly preserved. I checked the attached bathroom. And finally I went and stood by the window, I saw that group of teenagers still chatting outside my house. i studied them a bit. There were eight in all. There were five guys and three girls. One guy had raven hair with a quiff, another had messy blonde hair, the third guy had short brown hair, another had spiky brown hair and the last one had curly brownish hair. One of the girls had blonde hair the other two had brownish black hair. I saw them slowly dispersing and saying their goodbyes. The last one to leave was curly. As he started to walk away he suddenly turned and gazed at my window.

Our eyes met and I quickly stepped back from the window embarrassed for spying on them. Damn! why did I have to do that?!

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