Where Do Broken Hearts Go?

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*Amelia's P.O.V*-

'Forever', I smiled thinking to myself as I zipped the last of my bags. Its funny how this word used to mean so much to me even a few years ago, when I still had hope, when I still believed in love, when I still had my faith in 'us'. But our forever didn't last. Things have changed so much in the past few years that it has become so hard now to look back, and try to find out where it all began. To try to find the exact point when I set my foot in this mess just to get my heart shattered to pieces in the end. I still wonder why I can't move on. Why I can't think of it as a nightmare and just forget that it ever happened.

Because the worst nightmares are never forgotten, they stay with us for the rest of our lives, eating away at our existence.

Because I believed in him.

Because the stupid butterflies in my stomach lied to me, that he was the one. And I gladly believed.

Because looking into his eyes I saw my entire universe.

At least I used to.

Stupid, stupid Amy. You thought someone like him could ever be yours?

But was it all my fault that the aura around him was so welcoming? that the words that left his lips felt like music to my ears? that I could feel all my worries floating away by listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat?

Guess it was. I shouldn't have let my guard down so easily.

But what was I supposed to do? How could I turn my back to a boy who confessed his feelings while lying in a hospital bed with slashed wrists and a broken heart?

Wait, was it really broken or was it all a show?

All those moments we shared, dreaming of a future together, were they all fake?

What about the light in your eyes that seemed brighter than the stars? Was it fake too?

Tell me Harry 'cause I'm so tired of asking myself all these questions every single day for the past four years.

I need answers. I need them so bad Harry. I need the voices in my head to stop, for once and just let me sleep in peace.

I shook my head for the millionth time hoping to get rid of all these thoughts. But they stayed, like always. I wanted this to be a new beginning. A new chapter of my life, without the memories of a curly haired boy who once stole my heart just to play with my feelings and then leave me as an emotional-wreck for four years.

I rubbed furiously at my eyes, to wipe away the tears that had once again streamed down my cheeks, unnoticed.

No. I am not gonna ruin this because of someone who didn't care to look back even once. It wasn't worth it. If he could live his life the way he wanted, so could I. If he could live his dreams and lead a happy life, then so could I. I have already wasted four years of my life wondering what went wrong. But not anymore.

This was a new beginning. I'm gonna go to London and study in the university of my dreams. I'm gonna get my degree in Mathematics. I'm not gonna let go of the opportunity I've worked so hard for. This is my life and I won't waste anymore of it crying over a boy who never cared.

*Hours later*-

I smiled sadly at the memory of my family wiping tears as they waved me goodbye. They love me and I can't let them down. I gathered my luggage as the train was coming to a halt. We have reached. This was my first time in London. In fact its the first time I have gotten out of Holmes Chapel in the past four years. My heart rate started picking up speed as we neared the platform. This was what I wanted. This was the beginning of my dream.

I struggled to set foot on the overcrowded platform with all of my belongings. London is completely unknown to me and now I have to find my way to the University and then the dorms without getting lost. Now I regretted stopping my parents from accompanying me. I wanted this to be special. I wanted to do this alone. All by myself. I wanted to take my own responsibility. Now I had to ask someone for directions.

So I started looking around in search of someone who didn't seem like a murderer to me. Believe me, I should win a spot on the Guinnesse book for reading crime novels. And....I found someone who seemed pretty harmless. A middle aged fat woman, with blonde hair tied in a topknot. She seemed to be in her forties. I decided I could trust her. It was just a simple query after all. So I reached her. As I got closer, I noticed one odd thing, she was gazing around herself, looking at people in general, she seemed to be looking for someone. But that was none of my business right?

"Um, excuse me!", I called from behind her nervously.

She turned around to face me. And I saw her face properly, up close she looked even older with all those wrinkles lining her chestnut eyes and thin chapped lips. "Yes dear?", she asked smiling.

But somehow that smiled seemed fake, like she had used that smile a lot of times before just to get her job done. Sounds weird I know, maybe I'm just imagining things.

"Uh can you give me the directions to the University of London Ma'am?", I asked polietly.

"Are you new here love?"

"Yeah I kind of just got off the train."

"Of course, I'll show you the way, in fact I'm going in that direction only", she said the smile still sticking to her lips, a certain glint in her eyes.

Something told me not to go with her, but again I pushed it to the back of my mind thinking I was just being paranoid, I mean why in the world would she want to harm me? we literally just met!

"Thank you so much!", I said finally giving her a grateful smile, I really needed the help.

"That's okay sweetheart, come with me".

So I did.

I followed her with my bags in hands, facing the harsh London winter. I fondly gazed at my surroundings, this was the city I've always wanted to live in. I didn't realize as we weaved out of the huge crowded station and were soon approaching a car. A black SUV that was parked in a corner.

"Um, where are we going?", I couldn't help but ask, I mean really I wasn't expecting her to give me a lift in her car.

"Oh don't worry, we'll take you to your destination dear", she said knocking on the window of the car. The shades rolled down revealing three other guys in the car. The one on the wheel straightened up as if he had to leave right then. Then the guy on the passenger side raised his eyebrows at the lady after scanning my whole body. I didn't like the vibe I was getting. The woman slightly tilted her head as if to say yes.

Then the guy sitting on the back opened the door and the woman gestured for me to get in.

"Hop in sweetheart"

"Um...no I-I can manage",I said backing away. There was no way I was getting in a car with strangers, in an unknown city. "Thanks for the help", I said, still taking steps backward.

And then in a flash the two guys except for the one on the wheel got down and ran towards me, and before I could take another step back they grabbed both of my arms.

I was about to scream for help when something cold was pressed to my nose. I knew exactly what that was. I have read enough crime novels to know how they kidnap a person. So I held my breath.

"Come on now! breathe!", one of the boys whispered angrily in my ears as I thrashed my arms to get out of their iron like grip.

But I wasn't one to give in so easily. It was a public place, though we were in a corner with not many people around I was sure that if I stuck around long enough someone would notice and come to my rescue but just as I finished the thought, something cold and sharp hit the side of my neck and I winced in pain breathing in the process as whatever they injected in me entered my bloodstream. My vision began to blur and my eyelids felt heavy. Soon enough I felt too weak to move my arms let alone try to get away. It was over. I knew it even in the last few moments of consciousness.

As I felt myself being dragged into what I supposed was the car one last thought crossed my mind, making bile rise up to my throat. I trusted her but look what I got myself in return. Once again, I was the victim of treachery. The new chapter of my life had started with betrayal.

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