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We're taught from a young age that the things we do and the things we say
Have an impact.
At that young age It's things like
"You stink."
And "you can't play with us"
As we grow into the awkwardness that is
Middle school
Things change
"You're ugly"
"I heard that she's a slut"
And "what do you think you're doing? Dumbass"
From there it's all downhill
We get older
Life gets more complex
Drama and stress are daily occurrences
Relationships suddenly become life-altering
And ending life is a constant thought
Words are used as weapons
Thrown like rocks at windows
Their aim?
To smash you
Before someone smashes them first
"You're worthless"
"Looks like you can't even kill yourself right"
"He didn't rape you. No one would even want to touch you"
"She was asking for it. Look at how's she's dressed!"
And of course
"Fucking idiot. Go kill yourself. No one would miss you"
Where along the lines did this become acceptable?
At what age do parents stop correcting?
Why do the schools say nothing?
The last time suicide or bullying was brought up in school?
Almost 5 years ago
Before there was truly harmful bullying
Before one of my classmates tried to kill himself the first time
Before myself and many others fell into depression
Before the girls started being seen as distractions
Rather than students
Before the consequences stopped.
Now rapists attorneys are saying
"Being put on the sex offenders list would ruin his future"
Kids are beating their peers for fun
People are being killed
Their killers set free
That's okay though
Not standing for the national anthem at a sporting event?
Definitely more important

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