What you did

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What you did

I hate what you did to me...
Drinking isn't an excuse...
Drugs are not an excuse...
What you did is inexcusable

Oh, then you have the audacity
To text me
After so long
To ask for another chance?
I'm still gathering pieces from the first...

I wonder if you think of me
Unfortunately I still think of you
I wonder if you messaging me was
Just boredom
I wonder if I'm your back up too.
After all
That's all I seem to be anymore

Do you think what you did was okay?
Do you think I'm lying?
What all do you remember?
Were you lying the whole time?
Why me?
So many questions go unanswered

I trusted you
You knew about my past
I let you in
How could you...
How DARE you

In less than two hours
You tore down all I had
After the last time
I began building myself back up
I was almost whole again
You shattered me

The pieces might be too small to salvage

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