Dear stretch marks

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Dear stretch marks,
We've known each other for quite some time now
so I feel that I should be blunt with you.
I hate you.
I hate how one day you suddenly showed up
At first on my upper arms
Enhancing the red undertone of my skin
Then on my thighs
Making them appear larger
Next on my stomach
Thick dark marks like roots around my navel
I noticed you on my breasts next
No where was safe
Then even my ribs and back were covered
Some places your marks are thin and light
Almost unnoticeable
In others they're thick, deep, and dark
Impossible to not see.
Now that I've gotten that all said
I also love you.
I love what you mean
That I'm growing.
I love how distinct each mark seems to be
How sometimes I pretend to be a relative of Harry Potter
I love how you make me one of a kind
While I admit
It did take me awhile to accept you
I'm glad I did
Thank you.
You've helped me learn to love and accept
How beautiful I look just the way I am
I wish that more people in more places would learn to love you
You make life unique

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