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Life isn't fair.
That's it.
Plain and simple.

Most the time you grow up thinking it might be.
If Jack gets a juice box then I do too
Hurting others isn't okay, you get in trouble
Sarah was line leader last week so it's my turn now
Maybe the first time you heard it was after things didn't go your way
It just kept being said
As years pass that phrase pops up more

Life isn't fair.

Just because Justin gets to go out doesn't mean you can
You can't wear those clothes, they're too distracting
Don't give him the wrong idea
If you walk alone you'll get hurt
Those are boys clothes you can't wear them
Did you provoke him?

Life isn't fair.

In some ways this is true
In some ways you can't change that
In others it's inexplicable

That phrase pisses me off.
It means that
Because I'm a girl my education means less
I become a distraction needing to be handled
I kissed him first so I must have wanted it
My body needs to be changed
I'm young so I'm naive
I'm loud so I'm annoying
I'm expressive so I'm obnoxious
I'm different so I shouldn't exist

That's not what the saying should be
It should go
Life can't be fair
That holds more truth

Life cannot be fair
Until we change
Until we teach our sons not to rape
Instead of teaching daughters how to avoid
Until we stop viewing women as purely sex objects
Until we accept that curvy is beautiful too
Until we can love our differences

Until then
Life isn't fair.

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